International Science Council Podcast Series
Join more than 24 million podcast listeners of the ISC podcasts. There are three seasons with plenty of discussions on topics related to advancing science as a global public good.
There are a number of series of interesting episodes on women in science, diversity in science, combating racism in science and democratizing knowledge and access to tools to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). If you still are not familiar with SDGs stay tuned for an item in the next newsletter where we give you some key information and direct you to where you can learn more.
You may have been extensively exposed to the subjects discussed in the ISC podcasts as a result of the recent global attention these subjects have received. We, however, suggest you give these short and bite-sized discussions a go and perhaps include them as an activity for your research team.
ISC Discussion Time
Listen to the ISC podcasts and share your thoughts on an episode or a discussion that you enjoyed or found relevant to your work.
In ISC news items we propose topics for group discussions with your research team, either during a coffee break or in a dedicated session.