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Person presenting at Spain meeting
Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia

V Annual Meeting of the Spanish Chapter

The V annual meeting and Spanish InterPore Chapter was held at the Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia on November 18th, 2024. The meeting featured two invited speakers, Lluis Marsal (URV) who talked about “Porous anodic alumina development and structural engineering” and Pilar Bosch Roig (UPV) who presented her research “New treatments to protect our cultural heritage: probiotics and antibiotics. The meeting also hosted the 2024 Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture “Fluids, fingers, fractures and fractals: Patterns in porous media” given by Rubén Juanes. The scientific program was completed with four contributed talks from Daniel Dominguez-Vazquez, Douglas Moser, Eike Thaysen and  Adriań López, and a poster session with thirteen presenters.  Talks and posters addressed a variety of topics including the preservation of artistic heritage, hydrogen storage, the development of nanotechnology-based sensors, multiphase flow and reactive transport. The workshop provided a forum for knowledge exchange and creating new links between over 30 attendees from different porous media disciplines from academia and industry.

During the afternoon, the Spain InterPore Chapter General Assembly was held. The steering committee summarized last year activities and discussed future plans with the members. The chapter’s Newsletter and LinkedIn page were presented. The next annual meeting will be held in Madrid in the fall of 2025.

This full report, along with images from the event and the scientific program is available for download here.

National Chapter Event
Event end