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Auditorium CT2 of COPPETEC, R. Muniz de Aragão, 360, Block 1, Ilha do Fundão, University City, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Rien van Genuchten Conference

International Conference in Honor of Rien van Genuchten

Join us in celebrating the 80th birthday of Martinus Th. ("Rien") van Genuchten, whose pioneering research has profoundly influenced modern hydrology. His groundbreaking contributions have bridged agriculture, soil science, hydrogeology, environmental sciences, and civil engineering, inspiring countless studies on the movement of water and chemicals in both natural and engineered porous media.

Flow and transport research of unsaturated porous media has seen much progress recently. Unfortunately, much still needs to be done to improve predictions and decision-making in real life. 

The main objectives of the conference are to:

  • Disseminate the latest research in modeling porous media at different scales (molecular, pore, laboratory, field, regional and global scales)
  • Promote the exchange of research between various disciplines and regions of this world
  • Encourage joint research, and to build a network of contacts for young scientists.


The concept of porous media is used in several areas of science and engineering, such as geomechanics, soil and rock mechanics, geology, civil and petroleum engineering, bioremediation, the geosciences (hydrogeology, geophysics, biology), and materials science. Multiphase flow in porous media is an important topic and has stood out as a primordial field of research in these areas of research, including for devising new forms of energy (e.g., fuel cells and capturing carbon dioxide). Many natural systems such as soils, rocks, zeolites, biological tissues (bones, wood), as well as engineered materials such as cement, plastics, ceramics, paper, and pharmaceutical products, can be classified as porous media.

We look forward to welcoming you to Rio de Janeiro for the Rien van Genuchten Conference.

Prof. Su Jian, Chair


For full details and event information, visit: International Conference Website.


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