InterPore Newsletter 2024 (13) featuring a Report from the InterPore Council
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All past FlashNews and Newsletters are online here: E-Newsletter
Issue #13, 21 June 2024
- Council’s Corner
- Call for nominations for Elections 2024: SAC
- Bid now to host InterPore2027
- InterPore2025
- InterPore2024 Report
- Appreciation for our Program Committee
- Lectures on offer by Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship
- Chapter News
- Webinar
- Community News
- InterPore In Journals
- Research Positions
- InterPore Calendar
- Imprint
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Communication happens in all sorts of ways, all with different possibilities. In-person and online meetings are generally two-way communication. The InterPore website and the Newsletter is typically a one-way communication. We send, you receive.
Of course, we welcome your contributions in the form of news items (conferences, webinars, publications, available job positions, …) – just drop me a line!
Responding to news items is also possible, as most of the news is also published through LinkedIn, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Questions, comments, corrections, additions… all welcome through the socials. We look forward to your feedback!
All the best,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
Council’s Corner
Dear InterPore Members,
As the InterPore Council, we are excited to introduce a new section in our InterPore newsletter: Council’s Corner. Going forward, one of us will share key takeaways and discussions from our meetings, furthering our commitment to strengthening the connection between our members and the Society’s ongoing activities and affairs. As the Chair of the InterPore Council, I am delighted to share the highlights and updates from our recent Council meeting held in May 2024 in Qingdao.
During the meeting, Michel Quintard, Chair of the Nomination Committee, updated the Council on the activities of his Committee in preparation for the upcoming InterPore elections. This was followed by Azita Ahmadi-Senichault, our treasurer, who provided a report on the financial status of InterPore. The Council was pleased to note that the Society’s financial situation is sound. We have requested further details on potential financial options in preparation for our upcoming events and activities. Karsten Thompson, InterPore President, gave a presentation on the ongoing strategic planning efforts. Under his leadership, the Strategic Planning Committee will refine and finalise these plans later this year and will share them with the Council. Majid Hassanizadeh, Managing Director, updated us on the status and plans for the InterPore Journal. We discussed accelerating the DOI assignment process for papers, the journal’s impact factor and review process, and future directions. Majid also provided updates on the key discussions in the Executive Committee, including the locations of the future annual meetings, and how the Council can aid in different aspects of reaching the Society’s goals. We explored how the InterPore Academy can further support young researchers in their research efforts and professional development. We are planning to support the preparation of resources on various porous media subjects that will be available upon request. Additionally, there was a discussion on how we can encourage greater involvement from industry delegates in our events and Society activities.
As Council Members representing all members of the Society, we meet every three months and are keen to receive feedback from you. Your input is invaluable in helping us effectively represent your interests. Please feel free to reach out to any of us with your suggestions or concerns. Our contact details can be found on the InterPore website under the Council Members section. Thank you for your continued support and engagement with InterPore.
Peyman Mostaghimi
Chair of the InterPore Council
on behalf of InterPore Council Members: Azita Ahmadi-Senichault, Veerle Cnudde, Majid Hassanizadeh, Vahid Joekar-Niasar, Benoit Noetinger, Mohammad Nooraiepour, Dominik Obrist, Maša Prodanović, Michel Quintard, Monica Riva, Marie Elisabeth Rognes, Maja Rücker, Karsten Thompson, Moran Wang
Call for nominations for Elections 2024: Student Affairs Committee
InterPore Elections are coming up, spanning an election period from 1 – 30 November 2024.
We are still accepting nominations of candidates who would like to run for the InterPore Student Affairs Committee (SAC).
The SAC is the representative body of student members within InterPore leadership structure. Chair of SAC is a member of InterPore Council. SAC looks after the interests of students and plans activities during the InterPore annual conference. The events have in previous meetings included a career event, a social event and a game event. The plan is to organize activities during the year as well. All students are encouraged to contact the SAC if there are any issues they wish to convey to InterPore.
Joining our committee is a great way to get involved with InterPore, strengthen your resume, and build contacts in your network.
Would you like to get more involved in the SAC, or know someone who would be a great candidate? Put forth your nominations now by contacting us at sac@interpore.org!
Bid now to host InterPore2027
The InterPore2027 Call for Bids is now open! The 19th Annual Meeting will be held in the Americas the week of 10 May 2027 and we are looking for a host city! Bids will be accepted from any location in North or South America. Interested parties should submit their bids no later than 01 October 2024. Any questions about the bidding process should be directed to Oleg Iliev.
Must see…. in Albuquerque!
If you didn’t join us at the closing ceremony in Qingdao, you missed the feature video on Albuquerque. Not to worry – you can check it out (or watch it again) here. Start making your “Must see – Albuquerque” list for next year! Vámonos!!
InterPore2024 Report
The reviews are in and the responses are overwhelmingly very positive! It seems that the vast majority of our participants (91%) were satisfied or very satisfied overall with InterPore2024. Among the positive feedback we received was the return of lunches and the gala dinner. It is evident that many of you enjoy the annual conference as not just a way to stay abreast of the latest research activities, but also to network and connect with other researchers. As we plan for 2025, we will plan to include more social events. Looking forward, we also aim to ensure that lunches and a gala dinner are a part of each InterPore conference. Another highly-praised portion of the conference was the Local Organizing Committee. We can all agree that they did a fantastic job of hosting! One area where we find room for improvement is the space for posters. We apologize that the area was so tight and will work on resolving that in the future. Regarding the scientific portions of the conference, 93% indicated they were good or very good. About 57% of the respondents indicated that this was their first InterPore event; almost 20% have attended for 4 or more years – a strong endorsement of InterPore conferences! Many thanks to everyone who took the time to give us your feedback!
Appreciation for our Program Committee
The close of InterPore2024 also brings to an end the Program Committee led by Patrick Jenny and Sridhar Ranganathan. Since InterPore2021, Patrick and Sridhar (along with their committee) have lead us through the second pandemic-era online conference, the hybrid conference in Abu Dhabi in 2022, and all the way through Edinburgh & Qingdao. Under their administration, we also launched the first focus theme, “Energy Transition,” which resulted in the white paper written by Martin Blunt and published in the first edition of the InterPore Journal. With four highly successful events under their belt, we appreciate the time and efforts they have put into organizing the scientific events and technical program and thank them heartily for their years of service!
Lectures on offer by Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship
Prof. Rainer Helmig, from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, is the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2025.
As the winner of this year’s distinguished award, Prof. Rainer Helmig will be giving one of his two lectures at selected institutions. Hosts may select one of two options:
- Lecture A: Porous Media Free-Flow Coupling – From REV to Pore Scale and Back
- Lecture B: From the Brain to Water Uptake of Roots to Fuel Cells – Porous Media are “Almost” Everywhere
For more information about the lectures, please visit Prof. Helmig’s page.
If your university/institution is interested in hosting Prof. Helmig, please download and fill out the application form and send it to Sandra Bartsch by 31 December 2024.
Chapter News
7th Brazil InterPore Chapter Meeting
Submit your abstracts by 30 June
The Federal University of Pará (UFPA), in collaboration with the Brazil InterPore Chapter, is proud to announce the 7th edition of the Brazil InterPore Chapter Conference on Porous Media, 7th Brazil Interpore, which will take place in Salinópolis, Pará, Brazil, from 12-14 August 2024.
The 7th InterPore Brazil Conference on Porous Media continues the tradition of successful events initiated by the Brazilian chapter of the International Society for Porous Media. The 7th event will be held in Salinópolis, a fishing and tourist village in the Amazon Region. Now with 40,000 inhabitants, this location has a broad scientific context, including the importance of mangrove zones, strong coastal dynamics, the need to reduce CO2 emissions linked to various industries, and its central role in climate discussions, especially with the upcoming COP-30.
See the event website for more details. Abstract submission is open until 30 June!
Invitation to Hybrid Workshop on Well Integrity
26-27 June, online / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
KIT is organizing a hybrid workshop on “Well integrity in relation to underground gas storage” from 2 pm to 5 pm CEST on 26 June and 9 am to 12 pm CEST on 27 June. The details for the meeting can be found below and on the SAMUH2 project homepage. If you are interested in attending the meeting in person or on Zoom, please reach out to Dr. Mayukh Talukdar.
Summary: Borehole integrity is critical to underground natural gas and hydrogen storage. Therefore, carefully considering material selection and design is critical for maintaining borehole integrity in hydrogen storage applications. This workshop discusses borehole integrity for gas wells, leakage issues, monitoring, and other gas (methane, CO2, H2) storage risks.
Promote your Publication
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit your highlight to newsletter@InterPore.org. Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available online).
The highlight should be short (500 characters) and contain an illustration. Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a member, please have a look here.
- 2 Postdoc positions on Multi-scale Imaging and Modeling Viscosified CO2 Flow in Porous Media, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, China
- Postdoc in Fundamentals of hydration reactions in cement-ferrous slag systems. Eindhoven, the Netherlands
If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please send the description and weblink or PDF to newsletter@interpore.org, and we’ll be happy to add it to the list. It is also possible to post the position on the InterPore website. Log in through MyInterPore and click “Submit A Job Opening.”
2024 Partner Society Events
24-27 June 2024
WaterSciCon24, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
18-19 September 2024
30 Sept – 3 Oct 2024
25th CMWR, Tuscon, Arizona, USA
4-7 November 2024
GET2024, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
InterPore Events
1 July 2024
Deadline for Nominations/Volunteer Candidates for InterPore Elections
24-25 September 2024
First Iran Conference on Porous Media
InterPore Academy
25 June 2024
InterPore Webinar with Robin Gerlach
Future InterPore Events
18 – 23 May 2025
The 17th InterPore Annual Meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
If you would like to subscribe to the Newsletter, please register on our website.
InterPore News, www.interpore.org Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.
Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media, especially when relevant to other types of porous media, are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.
Contact us via newsletter@interpore.org.
- Matthijs de Winter (Editor in Chief)
- Leslie Jakobs (Managing Editor)
- Lars Bilke (Production Officer)
- Lynn Schreyer (Assistant Editor, Research Spotlights)
- Serveh Kamrava (Assistant Editor, Social Media)
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