InterPore Newsletter 2024 (8) featuring the DEI Committee
Sent on: 14-03-2025
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All past FlashNews and Newsletters are online here: E-Newsletter
Issue #08, 12 April 2024
- InterPore2024
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- InterPore Election Committee
- Chapter News
- InterPore Academy
- Upcoming Webinar
- Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2025
- Community News
- InterPore In Journals
- Research Positions
- InterPore Calendar
- Imprint
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Today’s Newsletter features the announcement that the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee welcomes two new members. I believe that DEI is both vital to our international society and a responsibility to uphold. Yet, I also find it challenging to discuss. It touches what we value in life, in each other, which is strongly influenced by our personal background, and to a large extent, where we were born. And even close by, with family and friends, tense discussions can ensue on this topic.
As a global society, we have the privilege to make friends across the globe. It is porous media science that brings us together, but it is dialogue that makes us get along and participate in webinars, invite the KC lecturers, interact with InterPore Chapters and Institutional Members, and join InterPore2024.
All the best,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
There is still time to register for our Conference Courses at InterPore2024!
On Sunday, 12 May, Majid Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University) will present a half-day course on the topic of “Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales.” In the course, a systematic approach is taken to the understanding of capillarity in porous media at different scales. Current definitions of capillary pressure, which are mostly empirical in nature are revisited and it is shown that they are special cases of a more general theory of capillarity. Course topics will include: Capillarity at pore scale, capillarity at macroscale; fundamentals, and capillarity at macroscale; computational and experimental studies.
Also on Sunday, 12 May, Saeid Sadeghnejad (Applied Geology, Institute for Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena) will lead a half-day course on “Machine learning integration with pore-scale studies: concepts and applications.” This course investigates the synergy between machine learning techniques and digital rock physics (DRP) workflow, offering a comprehensive exploration of concepts and applications. The implementation of deep learning is showcased across various applications at the pore scale, encompassing image segmentation (e.g., two-phase (pore-solid) or multimineral segmentation), rock property estimation (regression of single or multiphase properties), image resolution enhancement, and porous media reconstruction. Participants in this course not only gain proficiency in the DRP workflow but also acquire a thorough understanding of the diverse applications of machine learning within this framework.
Course space is limited. If you are interested in registering for one of these courses, you may do so in conjunction with your conference registration.
If you have already registered and wish to update your registration, please contact Margaret Dieter.
Learn more about the above courses and see our full 2024 Conference Course Program here.
And now…Qingdao!
InterPore2024 will be in Qingdao. Described as a city of “red tiles, green trees, blue sky, and blue sea.” Qingdao has a lot of things to offer with respect to science, science history and porous media. This week: Ye Wonton
The photo was taken by 张金鹏
Ye Wonton in Qingdao is a unique form of night snack. It’s not about the unique taste or preparation method of the wonton itself, but rather the location and style of its stalls. Typically, these wonton stands don’t have permanent shops, but instead operate by pushing carts on the roadside, exuding a very down-to-earth charm. The wonton soup is delicious, with thin wrappers and generous fillings. Paired with beer and barbecue, it becomes the warmest flavor of Qingdao’s evenings. Additionally, Qingdao’s Ye Wonton incorporates seafood elements, exhibiting a unique regional flavor. Whether locals or tourists, one can experience the unique charm of Qingdao while enjoying a bowl of Ye Wonton.
Sponsor Highlight: CANON
Canon Production Printing develops and manufactures high-tech printing products and workflow software for the commercial printing market and is part of Canon, a global provider of imaging technologies and services. Canon Production Printing operates on three continents, with approximately 2900 employees (end 2022) and has its global headquarters in Venlo, the Netherlands.
Its product offering includes continuous-feed and cut-sheet printers for high-volume printing and publishing, roll-to-roll and flatbed printers for large format graphics applications and large-format printers for display graphics and CAD/GIS applications. Industrial label printers for self-adhesive labels and selected flexible packaging applications have been added to the portfolio.
Since the foundation of the company, the desire to continuously innovate has always been in its DNA. Canon is constantly redefining the world of imaging. Through its technology and spirit of innovation, it pushes the bounds of what is possible – helping to see our world in ways we never have before.
The collaboration between the Canon Production Printing and the InterPore society started in 2012 and since then it has grown continuously. InterPore is the forum where technical and scientific questions are debated and the future research in the field of porous materials is penciled. Canon Production Printing is generating knowledge and experiments in the field of porous materials and their interactions with complex liquids.
Further information about Canon Production Printing is available here.
Exhibitor Spotlight: TESCAN
TESCAN enables nanoscale investigation and analysis within the geosciences, materials science, life sciences and semiconductor industries.
The company has a 30-year history of developing innovative electron microscopy, micro-computed tomography, and related software solutions for customers in research and industry worldwide. For example, TESCAN’s TENSOR is the first 4D-scanning transmission electron microscope (4D-STEM) built from the ground up for a totally new level of performance and user experience.
As a result, TESCAN has earned a leading position in micro- and nanotechnology. TESCAN world-class technology delivers complete solutions for researchers in all branches of science. No matter what the type and size of the sample is, and what questions are being asked, there is always a dedicated solution available to solve all required tasks. Due to the high versatility and customizable design of all TESCAN systems, it is very easy to design and manufacture dedicated instruments suited exactly to the customer’s needs.
Top Sponsors for InterPore2024
Platinum level
Gold level
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The purpose of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is to ensure that the InterPore community harnesses the talent and knowledge from the widest possible pool of talent for the benefit of the porous media science and engineering. We believe it is necessary to leverage the vast breadth of human experience to find solutions that prevent the worst impacts of climate change and to create adaptive methods for the impacts we are already experiencing. The activities we are currently planning include promoting practices that make InterPore environment such that every person fells valued, confident and excited to share their scientific achievements.
We are pleased to introduce our newest members to the committee:
Jian (Antonio) Wu
Antonio is currently a postdoc research fellow at the University of Sydney, Australia. He obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Sydney, a MASc from Queen’s University in Canada, and a BEng from Wuhan University of Technology in China. He is interested in the multiscale process of gas transport and fluid-solid interactions in porous media, with applications in energy and the environment.
Nihal Darraj
Nihal Darraj is a CCS Researcher at Imperial College London, working on Shell digital rock project. Her work focuses on carbon dioxide geological storage. She brings over 7 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry in reservoir geomechanics, drilling waste management, and environmental-related petroleum engineering consulting. Nihal is member of the group of experts on energy efficiency with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE. She is the lead author of the UNECE brief on decarbonization of energy-intensive industries, launched in COP27. She holds an MSc degree from Imperial College London in petroleum engineering and a BSc degree in natural gas and petroleum engineering from Alexandria University.
InterPore welcomes its new institutional members
Peking University in Beijing is one of the oldest and most important higher education institutions in China with over 48,600 students. It consists of 55 schools and departments, 60 research entities, and ten affiliated hospitals. It has six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Economics and Management, Science, Information Technology and Engineering, and Health Science) and continues to be a source of cutting-edge science and innovation and an important hub for international exchange. Your InterPore point of contact is Ke Xu.
Louisiana State University Institute for Energy Innovation in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is an independent academic research institute, launched in 2022. Its collaborative research currently focuses on: carbon capture, utilization and storage, hydrogren, low-carbon fuels, coastal resiliency, community engagement, and environmental justice. Through collaboration with public and private entities they are working to ensure a more sustainable and prosperous energy future. Your InterPore point of contact is Karsten E Thompson.
InterPore Election Committee
The Election Committee leads the bi-annual elections for the Council Members and President of the InterPore Society. They are devoted to a fair, clean and transparent election process, and report the final election outcome to the InterPore Executive Committee and to the entire InterPore Society.
The Election Committee, appointed by the current InterPore leadership, is lead by Chair Gabriel Wittum (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST, Saudi Arabia), and the following committee members: Marios Valavanides (University of West Attica, Greece), and three new members Yu Jing (University of New South Wales, Australia), Mozhdeh Sajjadi (University of Tehran, Iran), and Jiahui You (University of Houston, USA). InterPore welcomes the new members and thanks the Election Committee for their hard work and dedication.
Chapter NewsGroundwater Technical Week – Colombia InterPore Chapter
The Groundwater Technical Week 2024 was the result of the joint effort and alliance between three of the country’s main universities, and it was free and open- access for all students in Colombia as well as for professional associates of the Colombian Association of Hydrogeologists – ACH, IAHR, InterPore, and NGWA, associations that actively collaborated with the event organization.
The technical week was held on 18-20 March 2024 in the city of Bogotá at the campuses of the Universidad de los Andes, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, bringing together experts from academia, industry, and public and private governmental entities.
Read the full report here.
Webinar Report
Many thanks to all those who joined last week’s webinar with Lindsay Beevers (University of Edinburgh Research Explorer) on “Hydrological extremes: changing hazards as a result of climate change.”
We were happy to see over 100 participants tuning in. For those who missed out, you can view a recording of the session here.
Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2025
Prof. Rainer Helmig, from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, is the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2025.
As the winner of this year’s distinguished award, Prof. Rainer Helmig will be giving one of his two lectures at selected institutions. Hosts may select one of two options:
- Lecture A: Porous Media Free-Flow Coupling – From REV to Pore Scale and Back
- Lecture B: From the Brain to Water Uptake of Roots to Fuel Cells: – Porous Media are “Almost” Everywhere
For more information about the lectures, please visit Prof. Helmig’s page.
If your university/institution is interested in hosting Prof. Helmig, please download and fill out the application form and send it to Sandra Bartsch by 31 December 2024.
After receiving the application, we will keep you informed on any decisions made by Prof. Helmig and InterPore officials. For more information, we can also visit our website.
Prof. Helmig and InterPore look forward to hearing from you!
SFB 1313 DuMuX Short Course 2024
17-19 July 2024, Stuttgart, Germany
SFB 1313 offers a DuMuX Short Course, organized by its Integrated Research Training Group “Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media IRTG-IMPM”. The course aims at introducing the open-source simulator and research code DuMux (DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, …} flow and transport in porous media).
More information and registration
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit your highlight to newsletter@InterPore.org. Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available online).
The highlight should be short (500 characters) and contain an illustration. Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a member, please have a look here.
- PhD position on Modeling unstable gas infiltration through initially saturated geomaterials. EC Nantes, France / ULiege, Belgium
- PhD position focused on experiments to study physics of multiphase/viscoelastic flow in porous media. Department of Geology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please send the description and weblink or PDF to newsletter@interpore.org, and we’ll be happy to add it to the list. It is also possible to post the position on the InterPore website. Log in through MyInterPore and click “Submit A Job Opening.”
2024 Partner Society Events
29 May – 1 June 2024
ICTEA Conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
10-13 June 2024
EAGE’s 85th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Oslo, Norway
24-27 June 2024
WaterSciCon24, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
30 Sept – 3 Oct 2024
25th CMWR, Tuscon, Arizona, USA
InterPore Events
13 – 16 May 2024
The 16th InterPore Annual Meeting (Qingdao, China)
1 July 2024
Deadline for Nominations/Volunteer Candidates for InterPore Elections
InterPore Academy
23 April 2024
Webinar: Challenging reactive transport modeling from pore scale observations
Future InterPore Events
18 – 23 May 2025
The 17th InterPore Annual Meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
If you would like to subscribe to the Newsletter, please register on our website.
InterPore News, www.interpore.org Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.
Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media, especially when relevant to other types of porous media, are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.
Contact us via newsletter@interpore.org.
- Matthijs de Winter (Editor in Chief)
- Leslie Jakobs (Managing Editor)
- Lars Bilke (Production Officer)
- Lynn Schreyer (Assistant Editor, Research Spotlights)
- Serveh Kamrava (Assistant Editor, Social Media)
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