InterPore Newsletter 2023 (11) featuring A big thanks to all who contributed to InterPore2023
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Issue #11, 2 June 2023
Dear InterPore colleagues,
We start our Newsletter with a big thank you! from our InterPore President Karsten Thompson to the InterPore2023 organization and all who participated. In addition, we update you on the InterPore2023 results regarding the MDPI poster award, the IP council and the InterPore Foundation. And, of course, we look ahead in time, with the PMTTT, the short course from Holger Steeb and Chapter News.
All the best,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
Letter from the President to InterPore2023 Participants
A big thanks to all that joined us in Edinburgh last week, both in person and remotely. I’m still feeling energized from the conference, which anecdotally seems to have been a big hit for newcomers, returning attendees, and seasoned participants alike. As I noted in closing remarks last Thursday: the vibrant oral sessions, and having to queue up to talk with poster presenters, are signs of a healthy society and active research community, which is the foundation of InterPore. A bonus for all of us that were on site was the feeling of being “back to normal” after three years of online and hybrid conferences.
A special thank-you must be extended to our hosts, the Local Organizing Committee, headed up by Florian Doster, Andreas Busch, and Kamal Singh. The beautiful city of Edinburgh was a perfect backdrop for the conference, including the weather that you all must have ordered up for the Wednesday evening hike. Conference logistics were equally impressive (at least after we managed to master the layout of the conference center!), which is important because it means we get to focus on research problems rather than other problems.
The annual InterPore conferences are not simple operations, yet the process has become established over the years. This reduces the burden on the LOC and helps ensure quality of the program. Particular credit goes out to a few groups: the InterPore staff, including Karolin and Amy who were on site, Kristy who was coordinating remote operations, and Margaret who organized short courses; the Events Committee chaired by Oleg Iliev; and the Program Committee chaired by Patrick Jenny and Sridhar Ranganathan. Conference sponsors provide important financial backing, and include Kimberly-Clark (platinum), Math2Market, Tescan, ThermoFisher, Canon, Shell, and Comsol.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who provided the outstanding technical content, including speakers, poster presenters, co-authors, and short-course organizers. As noted above, everything else emanates from this.
Next year we will meet in Qingdao, China from 13-16 May – I hope to see you there. In the meantime, stay well and continue to engage through the many other InterPore offerings.
Karsten Thompson
InterPore President
Post-conference survey
Don’t forget to share your feedback!
Your input is essential for the continual improvement of our conferences. If you attended InterPore2023 and have not already filled out our post-conference survey, please take five minutes to do so now. We value your opinion and look forward to your responses!
Complete the survey here, or access the survey via the QR code.
InterPore Council elections: new and familiar faces
The newly composed InterPore Council met on 24 May 2023, as part of InterPore2023. The Council focuses on two main objectives: (i) defining priorities for resource investment and (ii) strengthening the organizational structure and processes. During this meeting, Majid Hassanizadeh and Azita Ahmadi-Senichault were re-elected for another term to continue in their positions. Congratulations!
It is with gratitude that I write to you as the newly elected Chair of the InterPore Council. I want to thank InterPore and Council members for electing me and placing your trust in me.
As we embark on the next two years together, I am committed to making our society a better place for all of us. Our collective mission is to promote collaboration and provide a supportive environment for all InterPore members. One of my primary objectives will be to enhance the support we offer to our members. Your feedback and input will be crucial in shaping the initiatives we undertake. Furthermore, I am committed to fostering diversity within our community. Embracing various perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences is crucial for driving innovation and creating a vibrant environment. I also recognize the importance of our various committees and their role in shaping the direction of the society. I will work to enhance their involvement, ensuring their expertise is utilized effectively.
Thank you once again for your trust, and I look forward to collaborating with each and every one of you in the coming years.
Professor Peyman Mostaghimi, PhD
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Conference Grants
The InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) recently put out a call for applications for conference grants for participants from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies. It is important for students to gain experience and exposure and build up a scientific network by attending and presenting at international conferences. Also, given economic difficulties in some countries, we wish to help with making it possible for scientists from academic institutions in those countries to attend InterPore meetings.
Mohad Nezhad and Steffen Berg from the InterPore Foundation report that, based on these criteria, at least 10 applicants were exempted from paying the registration fee for in-person participation and received travel cost support up to 500 EUR, and six applicants were exempted from paying the registration fee for on-line participation, which was all funded by generous donations from InterPore members
Chapter News
We are pleased to announce that Eduardo Cardoso de Abreu (Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics, IMECC – UNICAMP, Brazil) has taken over as chair of the IP National Chapter Committee. The former chair, Didier Lasseux (CNRS, Bordeaux University, France), will continue to support the committee as vice chair.
We thank Didier for his valuable work developing our National Chapters’ activities in recent years. There is exciting room for growth, and we are grateful that Eduardo will be taking the lead as we continue this effort.
The 6th Brazil Interpore Chapter Conference on Porous Media will take place from 7-9 August 2023 in Campinas-SP, Brazil at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) is part of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) in Campinas (SP) and is responsible for operating Sirius, the largest and most complex scientific infrastructure ever built in Brazil, and one of the most advanced synchrotron light sources in the world.
Registration and abstract submission has been extended to June 4th! Please see here for more details.
Short Course: Linear Poro-Elasticity – From Quasi-Static Consolidation to Acoustic Waves
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Steeb, Institute of Applied Mechanics, University of Stuttgart
Duration: 13.75 hours total (2.75 hours per week)
Time: from 1:15 to – 4pm CEST
Location: Online
Dates: The course will take place from 19 June through 17 July 2023 on the following dates:
Monday, 19 June 2023 (1:15 – 4pm CEST)
Monday, 26 June 2023 (1:15 – 4pm CEST)
Monday, 3 July 2023 (1:15 – 4pm CEST)
Monday, 10 July 2023 (1:15 – 4pm CEST)
Monday, 17 July 2023 (1:15 – 4pm CEST)
Please note that the schedule has been modified.
MDPI Energies Student Poster Award Recipients
The MDPI Energies Student Poster Award has been presented to two students at InterPore2023: Milad Naderloo (TU-Delft, Netherlands) for the poster “Effect of stress cycling on the deformation characteristics of reservoir rock from the perspective of energy storage” and Philip J. Salter (University of Strathclyde) for the poster “Exploiting induced carbonate precipitation to improve reservoir storage integrity and geothermal system efficiency”.
The MDPI Energies Student Poster Award is given in recognition of outstanding student poster presentations at the annual InterPore conference. The Honors and Awards Committee choose the best student poster presentations, and the winners receive an honorable mention during the conference and a prize of €500.
Congratulations to Milad and Philip!
Milad Naderloo
Philip J. Salter
Call for nominations
2023 GSE Distinguished Scientist and Emerging Scientist Awards
Gas Science and Engineering is currently seeking nominations for its 2023 GSE Distinguished Scientist and Emerging Scientist Investigator Awards. These awards are granted to senior and early career independent researchers who achieved considerable success in gas science and engineering research.
Please find more info on their website.
Deadline: 31 December 2023
Promote your Publication
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit your highlight to Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available online).
The highlight should be short (500 characters) and contain an illustration. Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a member, please have a look here.
If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please send the description and weblink or PDF to, and we’ll be happy to add it to the list.
2023 Partner Society Events
13 – 15 June 2023
8th international workshop on Crystallization in Porous Media
19 – 22 June 2023
19 – 22 June 2023
11th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA11), Bordeaux, France
4 – 7 July 2023
2nd International Summer School on UHS, Delft, the Netherlands
9 – 11 October 2023
VIII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Invited session entitled “Processing Particulate Material in an Industrial Environment” organized by Bernhard Peters, Milan, Italy
11 – 13 October 2023
15th International Symposium on Wettability and Porous Media
7 – 10 November 2023
SAPEM ‘23, Sorrento, Italy and Acoustic Valley Institute, Changshu, China
5 – 7 December 2023
Groundwater Week 2023, Las Vegas
2023 InterPore Events
7 – 9 August 2023
13 – 14 September 2023
German Chapter of InterPore, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
29 September 2023
Southern US Chapter of InterPore: Hydrogen Transport and Storage in Porous Media
Future InterPore Annual Meetings
13 – 16 May 2024
The 16th annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)
Spring 2025
The 17th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
InterPore News,
Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)
Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.
Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media,
especially when relevant to other types of porous media,
are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.
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