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InterPore2023 Bulletin (3)

Send on: 18-01-2025

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The deadline is approaching fast!

Abstract submission deadline is Monday, 12 December!

To submit an abstract to one of the 23 minisymposia, please refer to InterPore2023 (22-25 May 2023): Call for Abstracts · InterPore Event Management (Indico).

Call for Exhibitors & Sponsors

Image removed.The prospectus for potential exhibitors and sponsors (pdf, 3.6 MB) at InterPore2023 is now available! Let us know who you’d like to see exhibit in Edinburgh. Email us with the organization name and contact information.

InterPore2023 Short courses


As in past years, InterPore will offer a selection of short courses as satellite events of the InterPore Annual Conference in Edinburgh, 22-25 May 2023. These short courses will take place in-person one day before and after the conference on 21 May and 26 May. The standard duration will be a half day (3-hour lecture) with topics such as Digital porous media: combining open data, flow simulation and machine learning and Pore-level flow and visualization.

The short course offerings are continually evolving. Please visit our InterPore2023 short courses page to stay up to date as courses are announced.

Fun events

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In addition to the technical portions of the conference, you will find many opportunities for personal and professional development.

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is organizing a number of fun events, which include an Arthur’s Seat Fun Run, Distillery tour, traditional Scottish dancing, and a bagpipe concert.

In conjunction with the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), the LOC is also preparing several events and activities for students, including:

  • The annual SAC Career event
  • Workshops on the peer-review process
  • CV development for academia and industry, public presentation skills, and successful grant writing
  • Indoor climbing
  • A museum & national gallery tour and a team-building activity/game at a pub.

Invited Speaker at InterPore2023

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Dr Adriana Paluszny
Imperial College London, UK

Title: Finite element modelling of the growth and flow properties of multiple-scale three-dimensional fracture networks

Dr Adriana Paluszny is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London. She has a PhD in Computational Geomechanics from Imperial College London. She currently holds a Royal Society University Research Fellowship.

The generation and growth of multiple three-dimensional fractures and fluid flow through the resultant fractured rock mass is modelled by solving the displacement and flow equations numerically using the finite element method. The approach uses the Imperial College Geomechanics Toolkit, an in-house C++ 3D simulator that captures coupled thermo-poro-elastic deformation and damage accumulation, while accounting for variable fracture apertures and local transmissivities on the fracture surface, which evolve as a function of deformation. Simulations are able to capture fracture growth at different scales, and model fracture nucleation based on the evaluation of a local damage model. Quasi-static fracture growth is simulated for a number of… continue reading


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MS01 Combustion of produced fuels has led to the current climate and carbon problem, prompting the urgent need to transition to a low-carbon future. While renewables such as wind and solar play a major role in the energy transition, creative uses of natural and engineered porous media will be a… read more

Block program


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The block program has been updated and can be found on our website.

Did you know….Edinburgh?

InterPore2023 will be in Edinburgh. Edinburgh has a lot of things to offer with respect to science, science history and porous media. This week: Hogmanay.

Image removed.In Scotland, New Year’s Eve is called Hogmanay and the celebration has its origins in the wild Viking celebrations of the winter solstice. Hogmanay in Edinburgh is a unique event, celebrated with a street party, including a torchlight procession, a ceilidh (traditional Scottish music and dancing) and a spectacular firework display over the castle. If that isn’t enough, you can welcome in the new year with the Loony Dook, a bracing morning dunk in the river.

Important Dates



Deadline for submitting abstracts

12 December 2022

Early-bird registration deadline

17 March 2023

Short Courses

21 May 2023

Start of the live conference

22 May 2023

Closing of the conference

25 May 2023

Short Courses

26 May 2023

The InterPore2023 Bulletin provides regular updates on the InterPore2023 conference and is part of the InterPore Newsletter mailings.

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InterPore News,
Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)
Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.

Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media,
especially when relevant to other types of porous media,
are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.

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