InterPore Newsletter 2022 (21) featuring Science, InterPore2023, Elections and a lot of jobs
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Issue #21, 28 October 2022
Dear InterPore colleagues and friends,
It is already two weeks ago that colleagues and I drove to Hasselt, Belgium, to visit the Dutch-Belgium-Luxemburg (BeNeLux) InterPore Chapter meeting and what a great time we had. Meeting old friends, making new ones. A great opportunity for teaming up with local scientists, and we also had visitors from Germany, the UK, Norway and even Australia! Great in its own entity, but also a teaser for InterPore2023, which contributed quite a few items to this Newsletter.
One topic I discussed with colleagues was the turmoil in Iran. InterPore takes a firm stance on this matter, as you can read below.
Meanwhile, science progresses (In Journals) and in case you’re interested, we’ve got a lot of jobs advertised.
All the best,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
To submit an abstract to one of the 23 minisymposia, please refer to InterPore2023 (22-25 May 2023): Call for Abstracts · InterPore Event Management (Indico)
The InterPore2023 block program is now available.
Please visit our website for the latest updates.
Confronted with the biggest and most difficult global challenge to mankind, efforts are intensifying to move away from fossil-based energy sources to zero-carbon energies. Therefore, InterPore2023 will have a focus theme on Energy Transition. A leading expert in energy transition will give a plenary lecture, and then, during a lunch forum, a panel of experts will engage in a discussion with the participants regarding the current urgent research needs in various energy transition technologies and methodologies.
Please find more information in this pdf (159 kb).
Despite the growing rate of inflation and an overall increase in our operational costs, InterPore is very pleased to be able to offer the same registration fees as for InterPore2019 in Valencia.
Professor Bruce Balcom
University of New Brunswick, Canada
Title: Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Fluids in Shale
Bruce Balcom is a full professor since 2000, a former NSERC Steacie Fellowship holder and current Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Material Science MRI. He is best known for the development of MR/MRI methodologies for the analysis of materials and materials processes.
In this talk, he’ll discuss shale formations as being increasingly important world-wide as petroleum reservoirs. Conventional core analysis measurements are ill-suited to the analysis of shale samples since the pore fluids present are very difficult to extract due to the very small pore sizes. Magnetic Resonance (MR) permits non-invasive analysis of intact samples and is therefore an intuitively appealing method for shale analysis. In this lecture we will review MR relaxation time measurements of fluids in porous media, consider the broad category of MR relaxation correlation measurements ultimately leading to novel T1-T2* analysis of shales.
Please find all invited speakers on our website.
All current InterPore members are eligible to vote.
If you are a member, expect an email from My Direct Vote (Email Subject: InterPore Election 2022 login information) on 01 November which includes a personalized link to our voting platform. To prevent the email from landing in spam, please add to your approved sender list in your email.
From the My Direct Vote platform, you will be able to elect a new President-Elect, four new Council members and four members of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC). For more information, please refer to our website.
Please find more information on the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award on our website.
Australian Chapter
27-30 November 2022, Perth, Australia
The International Conference on Porous Media & Third Biennial Meeting of the Australian Chapter of InterPore will take place 27 – 30 November in Perth, Australia. After two highly successful conferences in Sydney in 2016 and Melbourne in 2018, this third conference shall continue to advance the dissemination of knowledge and to foster collaboration among porous medium researchers. The conference is organized by the Australian Chapter of InterPore under the umbrella of the International Society for Porous Media. Registration deadline is 10 November. Please visit the conference page for more details or click here to register.
Norwegian Chapter
1 December 2022, Trondheim, Norway
The Norwegian Chapter of InterPore is organizing their 5th National Workshop on Porous Media. The scope is theoretical, computational and experimental poromechanics, porous media science and technology on topics related to recent technological advances in porous media research, microfluidics, thermo/fluid dynamics, poromechanics, and rheology–theory, modelling, and experiments.
Please find the flyer (pdf, 262 kb) here or directly register for the workshop here.
Deadline: 15 November
InterPore Statement
We have all seen images of mass protests in Iranian streets and the heavy-handed crackdown by Iranian government. This has included the heavy repression of students and academics by the state at numerous Iranian universities. InterPore’s Executive Committee expresses its shock and concern at the violation of universities’ premises and beating and arrest of students. InterPore advocates full independence of academic institutions and stands in solidarity with the members of Iranian universities in their commitment to women’s and human rights.
One way to show solidarity with students and scientists in Iran is to sign petitions in their support. Many petitions are available, such as the one set up by Amnesty International, which has already gained a large and worldwide support.
Amnesty International Petition
Short Course by Rainer Helmig
Click on the image to watch Rainer’s video message
Don’t miss our upcoming short course “Porous Media Free Flow Coupling” with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Helmig. The course will take place on Mondays from 14 November to 12 December in person at the University of Stuttgart and online. Please visit our website for more details and registration.
The InterPore Academy for Porous Media is a new unit to promote educational activities, mainly to serve younger researchers, with a range of short courses, webinars, and workshops. See the website for further information.
Sadeghnejad, S., Enzmann, F., & Kersten, M.
A Eulerian-Lagrangian model was used to analyze subresolution particle deposition in porous media. Deposition at subresolution was modeled by dynamically updating the solid fraction of pore voxels. An image-based technique was used to evaluate the role of surface deposition and clogging mechanisms. The results showed that clogging was responsible for the permeability changes when particle size and surface adhesion forces increased. Particle retention showed a maximum value around a critical velocity, in which filter cake development switched to a homogenous retention.
Transport in Porous Media, 145(1), 127-151
Corresponding Author: Saeid Sadeghnnejad
InterPore Members can promote their publications to the community via the InterPore In Journals Section of the Newsletter. If you wish to do so, please submit your publication highlight to Clearly indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an Institutional Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available online).
The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration. Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a member, please have a look here.
If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please send the description and weblink or PDF to, and we’ll be happy to add it to the list.
2022 InterPore Events
27-30 November 2022
The Australian Chapter meeting
14 November – 12 December 2022
Short course Porous media free flow coupling by Prof. Rainer Helmig
2023 InterPore Events
29 September 2023
Southern US Chapter of InterPore: Hydrogen Transport and Storage in Porous Media
Future InterPore annual meetings
22-25 May 2023
The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
13-16 May 2024
The 16th annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)
Spring 2025
The 17th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
InterPore News,
Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)
Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.
Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media,
especially when relevant to other types of porous media,
are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.
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