InterPore Newsletter 2021 (18) featuring funding opportunities for short courses
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Issue #18, 3 September 2021
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Of course, as a Dutchman on holidays, I set up our tent on a stretch of reclaimed land, about 2
meters below the water level in the surrounding canals. Large lakes had been reclaimed by manual
labor and hundreds of windmills in the 17th century. Pumping remains a necessity, as levees from
soil remain porous, so taking care of seepage water (in Dutch: kwelwater, which translates to
suffer-water) is critical. I didn’t mention it to my oldest son (7) who was a bit worried about the
water. In a few years, I can tell him about Darcy…
Today’s newsletter has a variety of items. The academy has upcoming courses on offer, but also ones
from the past. In case you need funding, check the new grant opportunities from the Foundation.
There are reports from previous meetings and new meetings/webinars being announced. Calls for a bit
of help, call for nominees…
Happy reading!
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
Dr. Adam Weber from Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory will give a plenary talk entitled Transport and Multiphase Flow
in Porous Media for Electrochemical Technologies.
As low-temperature electrochemical technologies become increasingly important in our energy paradigm,
there is a need to examine them holistically. In this talk, we will explore the commonalities and
approaches towards understanding multiphase flow in these systems with a focus on the importance
that such phenomena play on the overall transport phenomena and cell performance.
More information on Dr. Weber’s and other plenary speakers can be found on the InterPore2022
Wikipedia – who can help?
would like to get InterPore indexed on Wikipedia and are looking for someone with
Wikipedia editing experience to help us get the entry accepted. If you can help, please contact us
Twitter volunteer wanted
We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to join our Social Media Task Force to be
in charge of our Twitter account. Please email us
if you are interested.
October 26-27, 2021
Palais Universitaire, Strasbourg or online
JEMP 2021 – French InterPore Conference on Porous Media
This year’s meeting will be hybrid and take place October 26-27 2021 at Palais Universitaire in
Strasbourg (France) or online.
More information as well as the conference flyer are available at
24 September 2021, online
Location: Online (link forthcoming)
Time: 11 am-12 pm EDT/10-11 am CDT
The flyer of the kick-off meeting is available here.
For more information on the Southern US InterPore Chapter, please refer to our website.
Brazilian Chapter Lectures
The 4th Brazil
Chapter InterPore lectures are now available!
Please follow this link and directly select
the session of interest:
Session I : Porous Media & Green
Session II : Porous Media
& Smart Materials
Session III
: Porous Media & Oil Sciences
Session IV : Porous Media &
In addition, the Brazilian InterPore chapter has been very active in the InterPore Young Academy.
Session 12 – 1st of 2021! Brazilian InterPore
Session 14 – Navid
Bizmark (Princeton University) & Paola Ferraz (DAC Unicamp)
Session 16 – Oliver Paulin (Oxford) &
Thiago Quinelato (Federal University of Juiz de Fora)
Session 18 – Rosmery Quispe Zavala (UFJF) and
Lucas Mejia (UT Austin)
Grants for short courses
If you’re interested in an online short course, but you lack funding, please have a look at this
flyer. We are pleased that InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation)
will provide grants for participation of graduate and PhD students in selected InterPore Academy
online short courses.
Recorded short courses available
The InterPore Academy is offering the possibility to follow recorded short courses given previously.
If you scroll down on the InterPore Academy
webpage, you will find a list of available short courses as well as the corresponding
registration process.
Upcoming InterPore Academy Short courses:
Title: Linear poro-elasticity – From quasi-static consolidation to
acoustic waves
Instructor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger
Steeb, Institute of Applied Mechanics, University of Stuttgart
27 September – 1 October 2021
Title: Transport of viruses and colloids in variably-saturated porous
Instructor: Prof. Dr.-Ir. Majid Hassanizadeh, University of
Utrecht and University of
Date: 11-15 October 2021
Title: Porous media – free flow
Instructor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer
Helmig, Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of
Date: 8-11 November 2021
You are warmly invited to the next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session 23 on 7
September 2021 at 10:30 CEST on our YouTube Channel.
The PorousMediaTTT team:
Marcel Moura (PoreLab, UiO), Kamalijt Singh (HW), Catherine Spurin (Stanford), Maja Ruecker
(TU/e), Arjen Mascini (UGhent), Nara Brandão (UFU), Javier Santos (UTexas), Mohammad Nooraiepour
Awards: Nominate a worthy recipient!
InterPore recognizes researchers for excellence across disciplines and throughout varying career
stages. Please note that the nomination submission deadline for the following InterPore Awards is
November 1, 2021!
Reserved for individuals for individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to porous media
science and technology, who are world renowned in the porous media community, and whose
contributions are consistent with the aims and ideals of InterPore.
Distinguished Lectureship
Awarded to a porous media researcher with a very high international recognition and excellent
presentation skills, working on a broad range of porous media topics.
Medal for Porous Media Research (senior)
Awarded to senior researchers in recognition of outstanding research in general porous media, with
emphasis on research conducted over the past 10 years.
Award for Porous Media Research (mid-career)
Awarded to mid-career researchers (up to 12 years after PhD) with an outstanding research record in
general porous media, with emphasis over the last five years.
Award for Young Researchers
For outstanding contributions in the field of porous media from a fundamental point of view, achieved
within three years after completing their PhD.
van Genuchten Early-Career Award of Porous Media for a Green World
Awarded to an early-career researcher with the general topic of “porous media research for a green
world” as a main focus. Preferentially intended for young researchers from countries with low- or
middle-income economies as defined by the World Bank.
The nomination deadline for all the aforementioned awards is November 1, 2021. Please click on the
links for specific details for each award, or visit our Honors
& Awards page.
Workshops for simulations in
porous media with GeoDict 2022
4-8 October 2021, online
The GeoDict 2022 Workshops will take place online from 4-8 October 2021, during the course of the
10th GeoDict User Meeting. The online event will bring together a range of GeoDict users with many
varying interests with the aim of sharing experiences and inspiring each other in new scientific
directions. The Workshops are aimed at GeoDict beginners and users with some experience. The
workshops will cover from an introduction to working with GeoDict to obtaining first impressive
simulation results through application-oriented step-by-step exercises.
Five workshops will broach the workflows for simulations with GeoDict in Image processing & Image
analysis, Filtration (filter media, catalysts, membranes…), Digital Materials R&D (foams,
ceramics….), Batteries and Fuel cells, and Digital Rock Physics & Digital Core Analysis, Three
additional workshops will touch on general interest topics such as visualization of simulations and
automation and scripting of simulation workflows.
The workshops are free of charge and registration is now open. Registration
ends Wednesday, 29 September. Please have a look at our website for more
information. We look forward to seeing you online.
Surface Measurement Systems webinar
7 September 2021, online
Surface Measurement Systems is hosting a webinar for Tappi Nano Division – 7 September at 2 pm CEST
(8 am US Eastern Time).
Title: Understanding bulk and surface properties of complex solid-state materials through Vapor
Sorption Techniques
More information can be found here and here.
Promote your Publication
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit
your highlight to
Clearly indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an
Institutional Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does
InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published
first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available
The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration.
Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like
to become a member, please have a look here.
If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please
send the description and weblink or PDF to, and we’ll be happy to
add it to the list.
20-24 September 2021
course: Transport of Viruses and colloids in variably-saturated porous media
24 September 2021
Southern US Chapter kick-off meeting
27 September-1 October 2021
course: Linear poro-elasticity – From quasi-static consolidation to acoustic
26-27 October 2021
French InterPore Conference on Porous Media
8-11 November 2021
course: Porous Media Free Flow Coupling
30 May – 2 June 2022
The 14th
annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)
22-25 May 2023
The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
14-17 May 2024
The 16th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico,