InterPore Newsletter 2021 (11) featuring new InterPore Academy short course and Chapter meetings
Sent on: 09-03-2025Issue #11, 28 May 2021
- InterPore2021
- InterPore Academy Short Course: OpenFOAM
- Israel National Chapter Kick-off meeting
- JEMP2021
- InterPore In Journals
- Research Positions
- InterPore Calendar
- Imprint
Dear InterPore friends,
“I’ll see you next week at InterPore” was the closing remark during an online meeting yesterday.
Exactly! Despite hundreds or thousands of kilometers distance, we will see each other online and
engage in scientific discussions and social interactions. Almost like during an in-person
It is already great to see all the uploaded pre-recorded presentations and posters+, and it will be a
pleasure to go online on Monday and interact, which actually already happens through the Community
page. I am particularly curious to see who will post something on the “Lost and found” thread! For
keys, phones and wallets, please refer to your office/house mates. Perhaps if you’ve lost your
poster, one will help by submitting the URL?
And first, this Newsletter with a new InterPore Academy short course coming up and updates from
National Chapters.
See you next week!
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
Program book ready
The InterPore2021 program book is ready. You can find it on our website. The online
version has links directly to Whova to the talk or poster of interest.
Special Features of Whova for
Advanced search in AGENDA
Find specific sessions for your interests with the following tools:
- In the agenda, search by session name, speaker name, session title,
OR - Filter by Tracks
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Build your own AGENDA
- Add sessions and events you don’t want to miss to your personal agenda in your personal profile
- Once logged in to your profile, simply click on
and sessions will automatically be added to your profile in MY AGENDA
Learn more about navigating the Whova agenda here.
Speaker Hub
The Speaker Hub (only available on the mobile app) allows you to interact, engage and monitor all
things related to your specific oral or poster + session.
- View who plans to attend your session
- View who has liked your session
- View and respond to any comments and questions specific to your session
- Share your session with your social media channels
Download the mobile app to take full advantage of the Speaker Hub.
InterPore Newsletter at InterPore2021
If you have any questions related to the Newsletter, you can leave a message in the InterPore
Newsletter thread in the Whova community section, or you may catch the Editor-in-Chief Matthijs in
one of the sessions. Otherwise, we can always be reached through our e-mail address.
Questions may be related to inquiring about opportunities to promote scientific achievements, share
lectures or courses, product launches, company updates and job openings.
SAC Music Event
InterPore Academy Short Course: OpenFOAM
The next InterPore Academy short course focuses on OpenFOAM® (www.openfoam.com). In less than a decade, OpenFOAM has
become a major simulation platform for research related to flow and transport in porous media at
various scales of interest. This short course aims at discovering this simulation platform through a
series of lectures and live demonstrations. The course is taught by Dr. Cyprien Soulaine, who is an
Associate Scientist at CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, working at the
Institute of Earth Sciences of Orléans and using OpenFOAM since 2009 for his own research. He has
delivered OpenFOAM® training classes to more than a hundred students, researchers, and engineers
both in academia and industry.
This short course has limited capacity of 30 attendees. Click
here to register.
Title: Introduction to open-source computational fluid dynamics using OpenFOAM®
technology: Simulation in porous media from pore- to reservoir- scale
Speaker: Dr. Cyprien Soulaine, Associate Scientist at CNRS, The French National
Centre for Scientific Research
Date: 14-18 June 2021, 5 daily sessions of 2:20h each (from 3:40pm to 6:00pm CEST)
Registration fee:
Member status
InterPore members
InterPore non-members
Click here
for more information and registration.
Please click here for more details
and information on the webinars.
The InterPore Academy for Porous Media is a new unit to promote educational activities, mainly to
serve younger researchers, with a range of short courses, webinars, and workshops. See the website for further information.
Israel National Chapter Kick-off meeting
The First
Symposium of the Israeli Chapter of InterPore (310 KB) will take place at Tel Aviv
University on 1
July 2021.
Please submit your abstract and registration to Yaniv Edery.
Abstract submission: 1 June 2021
Registration: 15 June 2021
Please inform your colleagues about this event. We are looking forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv and
welcome you to stay for our evening social event.
Dear colleagues,
The JEMP organizing committee and the French InterPore Chapter (FIC) are pleased to announce that the
combined 15th JEMP and FIC meeting will be held in Strasbourg, France, from 26-27 October
2021 in a hybrid form. As we all enjoy the convivial spirit of the congress, we will be
happy to see you all under better conditions, as well as being eager to rediscover Alsatian
specialties. We look forward to seeing you this year at the JEMP2021!
Abstract deadline is 10 June 2021. Further information on this event can be found on our
In the meantime, please stay healthy.
The JEMP organizing committee
Promote your Publication
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit
your highlight to newsletter@InterPore.org.
Clearly indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an
Institutional Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does
InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published
first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available
The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration.
Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like
to become a member, please have a look here.
- PhD position,
Modeling transport and biogeochemical transformations in groundwater, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany
If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please
send the description and weblink or PDF to newsletter@interpore.org, and we’ll be happy to
add it to the list.
31 May – 3 June 2021
The 13th
annual InterPore meeting (online)
26-27 October 2021
French InterPore Conference on Porous Media
1 July 2021
National Chapter Kick-off meeting
30 May – 2 June 2022
The 14th
annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)
22-25 May 2023
The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
The 16th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico,