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Newsletter featuring Award winners!

Sent on: 25-03-2025


Dear InterPore colleagues,

Two new InterPore Award winners are announced in today’s Newsletter. Congratulations! One will be available for a visit to your lab for a lecture next year! Meanwhile, another colleague who even got an award named after him is inviting all of us to a scientific birthday party. And if you need to remain closer to home, check out the National Chapter section (or contact your own National Chapter!).

And don’t forget to register for InterPore2025!

All the best,

Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News

Register before Friday, 21 March to qualify for reduced rates on registration fees!


Discounted rates are available at the Hotel Albuquerque Old Town until 28 April.


Share your hotel room and save!

To help interested participants coordinate and share hotel rooms, we have set up a Room-Sharing Coordination Sheet on Google Docs. If you're looking for a roommate to split costs, you can add your details and connect with other attendees.


How it works:

  • Add your information to the sheet, including check-in/out dates and preferences.
  • Browse existing entries and reach out to potential matches directly.
  • Once you find a match, update the "Match Found?" column to help others.


Please Note: This is a self-organized initiative for which InterPore is only providing the platform for coordination. We do not manage, facilitate, or take responsibility for room-sharing arrangements—participants are responsible for making their own connections and agreements. Check it out!

Understanding geochemical reactions in porous media is crucial for predicting fluid evolution and material transformations in natural and engineered systems. This short course, led by Sergi Mollins, will explore key processes such as adsorption, aqueous reactions, microbial redox activity, and mineral dissolution/precipitation. Participants will gain hands-on experience with geochemical reactive transport software, learning to simulate equilibrium, kinetic processes, and geochemically driven changes in porous structures. The course will focus on batch and 1D system modeling, providing practical insights into geochemical dynamics and their impact on porous media properties.

Our Sponsors

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Gold Sponsor


14-16 April 2025, Monastir, Tunisia

We are excited to invite you to the inaugural Maghreb InterPore Conference, a landmark event uniting leading researchers from the Maghreb, Mediterranean, and international communities. This conference provides a unique platform to exchange insights, foster collaborations, and explore the latest advancements in porous media research.

The first webinar from the India National Chapter Webinar Series, titled „Two-phase flow in industrial porous media: Experiments, theory, and modelling“, took place on 27 February 2025, and was given by Prof. S. Majid Hassanizadeh. The presentation was a great success with around 50 participants from several countries, and provided an excellent interaction between the speaker and the audience.

Prof. Michael Celia
Princeton University, USA

Professor Michael Celia is the Theodora Shelton Pitney Professor of Environmental Studies and a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. Prof. Celia is a founding member of Interpore and has always been inspired by the mission and aims of the society.  He has served for many years on the Interpore Awards Committee, including as its chair for 3 years; on the Conference Program Committee; and on the Finance Committee.  He has also served in many other roles outside Interpore, including committees for AGU, NGWA, and SIAM, as well as serving for 10 years as co-Editor of Advances in Water Resources.

Prof. Lyesse Laloui
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland

Dr. Laloui is a Full Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL). As founder and Honorary Editor-in-Chief of Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Prof. Laloui shapes the field of sustainable geomechanics and geo-energy discourse. His work has resulted in the creation of theories, models, computations, and experiments to address both fundamental and applied problems related to the mechanics of geomaterials (soils, shales, and rocks).

His lectures will inspire the world via his experience, expertise, and work on the science of porous media.

InterPore congratulate Prof. Laloui on this honor and wish him continued success.

EAGE is a professional association for geoscientists and engineers. It is an organization with a worldwide membership of about 19,000 providing a global network of commercial and academic professionals and students. The association is truly multi-disciplinary and international in form and pursuits. EAGE operates three Circles: Oil&Gas Geoscience, Near Surface Geoscience, and Sustainable Energy.

T. Danelon, R. Farajzadeh, P. Bedrikovetsky, & G. Chapiro

This work introduces a new model for nanoparticle-stabilized foam flow in porous media, considering particle retention and permeability reduction. A steady-state semi-analytical solution is provided to investigate water saturation, foam's apparent viscosity, and pressure drop profiles for different nanoparticle concentrations. The results show that at low concentrations, retention can make the positive effect of nanoparticles on sweep efficiency negligible, making it very similar to the scenario without nanoparticles. Additionally, while retained nanoparticles increase pressure by reducing permeability, the loss of suspended nanoparticles decreases pressure by reducing the foam's apparent viscosity. Thus, the overall impact on pressure depends on which effect prevails.