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InterPore Newsletter 2021 (21) featuring InterPore membership renewal

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore colleagues,

Who signed up for one of the InterPore Academy short courses? And if you didn’t, why not? Well, I
although I was really interested in Majid’s course on virus and colloid transport, as it relates to
a project I am working on. So why not? Well, lack of time, of course. (I admit, time is never the
problem, it is priority)

Apparently, I can’t set aside all the little stuff and focus on something a little bigger for quite a
while. I know in Stuttgart, Germany, they organize two-week summer schools (in October), mainly for
PhD students and PostDocs. They were asked to wipe their agenda clean and focus on a single topic
with a small group. The focus helps to make considerable progress. Great idea! Or follow a short
course instead, of course.

As for me, I’ll first check the InterPore2022 and other InterPore updates, check my InterPore
membership, Academy update, interesting paper titles from a special issue….

All the best,

Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News


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Abstract submission is open!

Planning to join InterPore2022? Share your recent findings Take the
opportunity to discuss your
results with top experts from around the globe! The abstract submission has been opened.


Click here to



Plenary speaker: Dr. Sujit S. Datta

Image removed.Dr. Sujit S. Datta,
Princeton University, USA, will give a plenary talk entitled “Life in a Tight Spot: How Bacteria
Swim, Disperse, and Grow in Porous Media”. He studies E. coli-transparent 3D porous media
and will demonstrate how confinement in a porous medium fundamentally alters bacterial behavior. The
porous media also enable precisely structured multi-cellular communities to be 3D printed. His work
reveals new principles to predict and control the behavior of bacteria, and active matter in
general, in complex environments such as porous media.

For more info, please visit our website.

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Conference Grant & Travel Program

Applications for conference grants are still being accepted!


We are pleased to announce that the InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation)
would once again like to offer a number of conference grants to scientists from academic
institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, and to
graduate students.

In addition to paying the conference registration fees, the InterPore Foundation will provide up to
€500 per recipient to go towards travel costs.

Visit the InterPore2022
website for more information on requirements and the application process.

Look here
for more details regarding the application requirements.


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New Chair of Membership Committee

We are pleased to announce that Bo Guo (Assistant Professor at the Department of Hydrology and
Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, USA) has agreed to chair the Membership Committee,
replacing Lilit Yeghiazarian (Professor at the College of Engineering and Applied Science,
University of Cincinnati, USA). Lilit Yeghiazarian has been chairing this committee since its
formation in 2016. The InterPore Executive Committee is very grateful for her support of InterPore
and her valuable actions in growing its membership. As there remains ample opportunity for
InterPore’s expansion around the globe, we are fortunate that Bo Guo will be taking the lead for
this continual task.

– Michel Quintard

Image removed.It is a
great honor and pleasure to serve as new chair of the InterPore Membership
Committee. Over the years, I have benefited tremendously from InterPore as a student and postdoc and
later as early-career faculty. I feel proud to be able to now give back to our community. In the
coming years, our committee will continue serving our current members to the best of our capacity.
Additionally, we will focus on expanding and engaging new members from underrepresented geographical
regions including those in Africa and South America.

Short bio: Bo is an assistant professor in the Department of Hydrology and
Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona. His research group specializes in pore-scale
physics and practical field-scale modeling motivated by problems from fate and transport of emergent
contaminants in soil and groundwater, shale gas/oil production, and geological carbon storage. Prior
to joining the University of Arizona, Bo was a postdoc in the Department of Energy Resources
Engineering at Stanford University. Bo holds a B.S. in Hydraulic Engineering from Tsinghua
University and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University.
Personal webpage


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Membership renewal

We greatly appreciate your continued and valuable support of InterPore during the past
years. It is that time of the year — we would like to invite you to renew your membership for 2022
and stay closely connected with our InterPore community! InterPore members enjoy tangible benefits
such as (details can be found on our website):

  • Significantly reduced registration fee at InterPore events
  • Members-only webpages (e.g., access to video recordings from short courses)
  • Recognition of top scientists, young researchers, and students: Honorary Lifetime Membership
    Award, InterPore Award for Porous Media Research, InterPore – PoreLab Award for Young
    Researchers, Rien van Genuchten Early Career Award, Proctor & Gamble Student Awardees,
    Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer Award, InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research, MDPI
    Student Poster Award
  • Members-only privileges to the InterPore Newsletter: highlight your institute as Research
    Spotlights, disseminate recent publications and advertise your workshops
  • Publish your job announcements on the InterPore website.

To renew membership, follow this link to the members
sign-in page to log into your account and begin the process. For those of you who have trouble
accessing your InterPore account or need any help or additional information, please contact Meghan McCarroll.

We look forward to welcoming you as a participant of our events in 2022.


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Wikipedia – who can help?

Image removed.We
would like to get InterPore indexed on Wikipedia and are looking for someone with
Wikipedia editing experience to help us get the entry accepted. If you can help, please contact us


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Research Spotlight: Surface Measurement

Adsorption of volatile organic compounds by industrial porous materials: Impact of relative humidity

Elwin Hunter-Sellars, J.J. Tee, Ivan P. Parkin, Daryl R. Williams

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A B S T R A C T: In this study, the adsorption of several classes of volatile organic compounds by
materials with a range of pore size distributions and chemistries were assessed gravimetrically in
both dry and wet carrier gas conditions. Measurements carried out at room temperature, and a range
of relative humidity values (RH) from 0 to 70%, reflected real-world conditions similar to those of
indoor air. Dry removal performance appeared to be dependent on the surface area of adsorbents and,
for polar compounds, the relative hydrophobicity of the material. Performance of sorbents with
hydrophilic surface chemistry, such as silica gel and molecular sieve 13X, decreased drastically
with small increases in pre-exposed humidity. Activated charcoal and high-silica faujasite Y
retained their capacities for toluene in relative humidities up to 50% and 70% respectively, with
their selectivity for nonpolar species credited to hydrophobic pore structure and low water vapour
uptake. These conclusions help to emphasise the importance of process humidity as a key parameter
when designing or selecting adsorbents in realistic process conditions. Additionally, the methods
used in this study provide a simple and reproducible way of testing porous materials for
applications requiring or involving high levels of relative humidity.

and Mesoporous Materials, 298 (2020)

this study in more detail with this recorded webinar

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Funding opportunities for short courses

If you’re interested in an online short course, but you lack funding, please have a look at
this flyer
(243 KB). We are pleased that InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and
Technology (InterPore
Foundation) will provide grants for participation of graduate and PhD students in
InterPore Academy online short courses.


Recorded short courses available

The InterPore Academy is offering the possibility to follow recorded short courses given
If you scroll down on the InterPore Academy
webpage, you will find a list of available short courses as well as the corresponding
registration process.

The list of available courses can be found here
(316 KB).

Upcoming InterPore Academy short courses

Upcoming courses can be found in this
flyer (475 KB).

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You are warmly invited to the next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session 26 on
October 19, 2021, at 15:00 CEST via live stream on our YouTube Channel.

The PorousMediaTTT team:

Marcel Moura (PoreLab, UiO), Kamalijt Singh (HW), Catherine Spurin (Stanford), Maja Ruecker
(TU/e), Arjen Mascini (UGhent), Nara Brandão (UFU), Javier Santos (UTexas), Mohammad


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Call for Award Nominees

The deadline to nominate candidates for the InterPore Awards is 1
November. You can nominate candidates for the following awards:

  • Honorary Lifetime Membership Award
  • Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award
  • InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research
  • InterPore Award for Porous Media Research
  • InterPore-PoreLab Award for Young Researchers
  • Rien van Genuchten Early-Career Award of Porous Media for a Green World

Practical details can be found on the


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Call for abstracts: PRF 2022

20-24 June 2022, Flatrock, NC, USA

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Progressive Failure of Brittle Rocks is a 5-day, NSF-sponsored, GSA Penrose
Conference dedicated to bringing together – in person – scientists from Rock Physics, Surface
Processes, Soil Science, Stone Heritage, Critical Zone Sciences, Planetary Sciences and
Geoengineering disciplines in order to open new doors to a myriad of concepts, applications and
validations of all geologic work related to rock fracture.

More info on the website.


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Special Issue InterPore 2020-2022

A number of special issues have been created from minisymposia of InterPore2020. Moreover, a number
of special issues related to minisymposia of InterPore2022 have already been initiated. We’ll report
when special issues become available online and raise awareness of opportunities for presenting your
work during InterPore2022 and publish it in the corresponding special issue.

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Flow and Heat Transfer in Complicated Subsurface Porous/Fractured Geomaterials

Edited by Hejuan Liu, Jianjun Liu

A special issue entitled “Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Complicated
Subsurface Porous/Fractured
Geomaterials” has been published in Journal of Porous Media, inspired by MS 3 of
InterPore2020. The topic of the special issue includes:

  • Porous and Fractured Media Characterization and Model Construction
  • Experimental Investigation on Mass and Heat Transfer in Porous and Fractured Media
  • Pore-Scale / Multi-Scale Simulation of Mass and Heat Process in Porous/Fractured Media
  • Complicated Seepage Issues Related with Pollutant Transport, Petroleum Engineering, Carbon
    Sequestration, Geothermal Engineering, etc.
  • Application of Improved Numerical Methods in Subsurface Seepage in Porous and Fractured Media

Online publications

InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit
your highlight to
Clearly indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an
Institutional Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does
InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published
first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available

The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration.
Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like
to become a member, please have a look here.


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If you have a job opening in your institute and would like to promote it internationally, please
send the description and weblink or PDF to, and we’ll be happy to
add it to the list.


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26 October 2021

Spanish Chapter annual meeting

26-27 October 2021

French InterPore Conference on Porous Media

8-11 November 2021

course: Porous Media Free Flow Coupling

30 May – 2 June 2022

The 14th
annual InterPore meeting

27-30 November 2022

Australian Chapter meeting

22-25 May 2023

The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

14-17 May 2024

The 16th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico,