Oleg Iliev
InterPore Executive Committee has selected Professor Oleg Iliev as the first recipient of InterPore Meritorious Service Medal.
Professor Iliev has been involved in the establishment and development of InterPore from day one. He was present at the founding meeting of InterPore held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on 09 April 2008 and was subsequently elected by the members as the first InterPore president. He was a member of the Executive Committee for six years and contributed to many initiatives in InterPore’s development.
Prof. Iliev volunteered to organize the first InterPore annual meeting in March 2009 at ITWM Fraunhofer Institute, Kaiserslautern, Germany. This was a milestone event for InterPore. Since then, he has been involved in the organization of every InterPore meeting since 2012. He acted as the chair of the Program Committee of four annual meetings: InterPore2013, InterPore2014, InterPore2015, and InterPore2016; since 2015 he has been the chair of the Events Committee, which is in charge of finding new sites for InterPore meetings and all of the logistics for those meetings; and when the InterPore meeting went online, he took over the role of Organizing Committee chair and led the efforts for the successful organization of InterPore2020 and now chairs the Organizing Committee of InterPore2021.
As Prof. Iliev has been active in the organization of short courses through his role as Event Committee chair, he has agreed to serve as the interim director of the recently formed InterPore Academy of Porous Media. Prof. Iliev has also been instrumental in arranging for a number of organizations to become institutional members of InterPore. It is clear that the time and efforts that Prof. Iliev has invested in InterPore and his dedication have been unparalleled. For his continual service and commitment to the advancement of the InterPore Society, Prof. Iliev is a most worthy inaugural recipient of the InterPore Meritorious Service Medal.