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Strategic Alliances

InterPore Strategic Alliances


Since 2009, InterPore has been in proud partnership with Springer. With more than 2,900 journals and 300,000 books, Springer offers many opportunities for members of InterPore.

For more information and on possible new special issue proposals for the journal Transport in Porous Media please contact:

The Journal Editor:
Professor Martin J. Blunt
Imperial College
Royal School of Mines
Department of Earth Science and Engineering
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BP, UK

For more information and on possible new book publications proposals, please contact:

The Publisher:
Petra van Steenbergen, Executive Editor Earth and Environmental Sciences, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

For more information on the book series Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media and suggestions for future volumes, contact the series editor:

Majid Hassanizadeh
Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SIMTECH)
Integrated Research Training Group SFB 1313
Stuttgart University, Germany

InterPore Members also receive:

  • 20% discount on the list price of all books published by Springer
  • 20% discount on the individual subscription price of Transport in Porous Media, (Springer)


MDPI Energies and Batteries journal

The MDPI Energies Student Poster Award is given in recognition of outstanding student poster presentations at the annual InterPore conference.  Each year, at the annual InterPore conference, the Honors and Awards Committee will choose the best student poster presentations to win the MDPI Energies Student Poster Award.  Up to two awards will be given each year, each consisting of a prize of 500€.  Candidates can self-nominate when submitting the abstract to the conference.

Benefits for the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)

  • InterPore Members can submit papers with their own email address through their personal account in
    SuSy. SuSy is MDPI’s submission platform. Users can register for such a personal account here:
  • A 10% discount* on article processing charges to all InterPore members to publish in Energies
    and Batteries; more information found here.


Begell House

Benefits for the Members of InterPore will receive:

  • 75% discount on the individual online subscription price of Special Topics and Review in Porous Media and Journal of Porous Media, (Begell House Inc.)
  • 20% discount on the list price of all books published by Begell House Inc.