Yongfei Yang
IP Board Member
General Secretary
Yongfei Yang is a professor, vice dean of School of Petroleum Engineering at China University of Petroleum (East China). He is currently the secretary-general of China InterPore Chapter. He holds a BASc, an MASc, and a PhD, all in petroleum engineering, from the China University of Petroleum (East China). During Sep. 2008 and Aug. 2009, he studied in Heriot-Watt University, Scotland UK as a visiting PhD student. His research interests include theory and applications of fluid flow in porous media, the applications of digital rock and pore network model technology in oil and gas field development etc. He is the associate editor of Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (JNGSE) and editorial board member of the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE). He is also the local committee co-chair of InterPore Annual Conference in Qingdao.