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Stéphane Zaleski
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Stéphane Zaleski is Professor of Mechanics at Sorbonne Université and member of the  “Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert”. He spent his early years at the Physics Laboratory of Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris where he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Yves Pomeau.  After three years at the Applied Math group of MIT he joined the Mechanics group at Sorbonne Université. He investigates numerical methods for multiphase flows with applications to atomization, cavitation, porous media flow, nucleate boiling, hydrometallurgy, moving contact lines and droplet impact. Methods include the Volume of Fluid method, the Edge-Based Interface Tracking method and the Diffuse Interface method. He has written several computer codes for the simulation of multiphase flow including PARIS Simulator and is involved in the development of the Basilisk platform. He is Associate Editor of J. Comput. Phys. and of Computers and Fluids. He leads the ERC-Advanced project TRUFLOW on mass transfer at large Schmidt numbers and is a member of Institut Universitaire de France.

Awards and honors

2024: medal of the section of mechanics and informatics of the Paris Academy of Sciences.