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Michael Celia
Contact Info
Member of
Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award Sub-Committee
Committee Member

Concurrent University Appointments
  • Associated Faculty, High Meadows Environmental Institute
  • Associated Faculty, Department of Geosciences
Honors, Awards, DISTINCTIONS
  • Honorary Doctoral Degree, University of Stuttgart, 2018
  • Elected to National Academy of Engineering, 2016
  • Honorary Lifetime Membership Award, International Society of Porous Media, 2014
  • Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2008
  • Hydrologic Sciences Award, American Geophysical Union, 2005
Research Interests

Professor Celia's areas of research include ground-water hydrology, multi-phase flow in porous media, numerical modeling, and subsurface energy systems with a focus on geological sequestration of carbon dioxide and shale-gas systems.  Ongoing projects include development of new simulation tools to model CO2 injection, migration, and possible leakage associated with carbon capture and geological sequestration (CCS); multi-scale modeling of fluid flow and contaminant transport in porous and fractured media; modeling CO2 injection into highly reactive rocks; analysis of large-scale infrastructure development for commercial-scale CCS operations; and measurements of methane leakage to the atmosphere along old oil and gas wells and other hydrocarbon infrastructure.  The CCS work is part of a large industry-funded multi-disciplinary effort at Princeton known as the Carbon Mitigation Initiative.


ENV 302/CEE 302/EEB 302  Practical Models for Environmental Systems
CEE 581  Theory of Groundwater Flow