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Jun Yao
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Dr. Jun Yao is a professor at the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China).

He has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and the technology of porous media as well as to the academic exchanges in the field. Prof.Yao has conducted systematic research on multiphase flow in oil and gas reservoirs from the perspectives of multiple scales, such as nanoscale, microscale, core scale, macroscopic Darcy scale, and supermacroscopic scale in large fractures and vugs, as well as the coupling of reservoir multiphase flow field with multiple fields such as stress, chemical, and thermal fields, and has developed numerical simulation methodologies and software for reservoirs which have been widely applied in oilfields in China.

Beyond his academic and scientific achievements, Prof. Yao’s commitment to service and outreach is commendable. He led the Research Center of Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media and hosted six consecutive international workshops on digital cores. He is also the leader of the China Flow Mechanics Committee and has organized five flow mechanics conferences in China. Prof. Jun Yao established the China InterPore Chapter in 2017 and served as its Chairman for six years.

Thanks to Prof. Yao’s hard work and dedication over the years, InterPore has been widely promoted in China with ever increasing impact.