Jacques Huyghe
Jacques Huyghe is an Associate Professor in the section Energy Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His current research is focused on porous media mechanics of swelling materials with applications in the field of biomechanics, prosthesis design and petroleum engineering. Interests include application of advanced mechanics to biological tissues, including spine, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, cartilage and skin, multiphysics phenomena in swelling media, continuum description of blood perfusion, interfacial phenomena at the microscale, fracture in porous media and non-linear finite elements coupled to microscopic experimental research.
His group has developed a poromechanical FE description of highly deformable gels such as the cytoskeleton of a living cell and is presently exploring biological applications of diffusiophoresis and developing a failure model of the human heart. Experimentally, he works on lens-free imaging and optical tweezing.