InterPore Election 2018 – Voting begins TODAY

Every two years, InterPore members elect a new President-Elect and four new Council members who will lead the organization for the next four years. These volunteer leaders commit to advancing the mission, vision, goals, and core values of InterPore. Elected InterPore leaders play an essential role in decisions on how to serve and engage members in InterPore. We would like to thank all those who nominated candidates for their effort, and we thank all candidates for their willingness to commit themselves to the Society.

Who Is Eligible to Vote? All current InterPore Members that have already paid their 2018 membership dues (or are exempted) are eligible to vote in this year’s election. Note: We have tried to compile a comprehensive email list. However, for individual members through institutions we have relied on the information provided by our contact persons from corresponding institutions. If you are a contact person and have not yet provided the requested information, please do so now as we can still register people to vote.

When Do the Polls Open? The 2018 InterPore election polls are open already – the election is open from 5 November to 3 December 2018. Please mark your calendar and plan now to cast your votes for critical leadership positions. This is a great opportunity for your voice to be heard.

How can you vote? This year, InterPore has secured the service of the online-voting company Survey & Ballot Systems. All eligible electors will receive today an email from, and should whitelist this email to ensure it does not get caught in spam. The email will contain their personalized link, as well as a link to the login page and their login credentials. If you believe you qualify to vote in the InterPore election, either as individual member or as a member through an institution (see list of institutional members at check whether your institute is a member), and do not receive that email within the next few days, please contact the election committee (email: see below). Each admitted elector has one vote for a candidate for President-Elect and four votes for candidates for council members.

What Information Is Provided About Candidates? Each candidate has provided a short CV, including a summary of relevant volunteer experience. Additionally, candidates for the office of President-Elect have provided a letter of motivation. The information is located on the actual ballot site.

When Will the Election Results Be Announced? As soon as the election closes, the Election Committee together with the Executive Committee initiates a process to verify the results and notify all candidates. We anticipate that all candidates will be contacted and the results publicly announced before the end of the year (December 2018).

For background information about the elections and terms of offices, please see our official announcement here.

On behalf of the InterPore Election Committee,
Wolfgang Nowak

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