Apply to host InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer in 2019

Prof. Mark Knackstedt of Australia National University will deliver the InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship on Porous Media Science & Technology during 2019. The title of his lecture is: Digital Materials Design. You can apply for Prof. Knackstedt to lecture at your institute.

Digital materials design (DMD) coupled with new manufacturing techniques are emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize product realization on a global scale.

This presentation will first outline the development of an integrated DMD workflow based on 3D multiscale imaging, analysis and modelling for geomaterials. The key aim was to “image and compute”: imaging and digitising the pore space and mineral matrix of natural rock and then numerically simulating various physical processes in this digital object to obtain macroscopic rock properties including multiphase flow, electrical conductivity, and elastic response. The presentation discusses the potential for the technology to have a much broader reach beyond the geoscience arena—touching companies and industries and giving rise to a wide range of machines, products, or services. Examples include:

  • Designing innovative new customized materials and components with improved system performance
  • The development of design rules which enable the bespoke production of personalized medicines via a variety of delivery vehicles including tablets, implants and devices.
  • Use of imaging, fast rendering and 3D visualization to improve surgical precision and reduce operating times in clinical settings.
  • Designing improved durability of wood products and foamed materials

To apply for Prof. Knackstedt to visit your institute, please download, complete, and return the application form (126 KB).

This Lectureship Award is generously sponsored by the Kimberly-Clark Corporation, and the awardee will share a topic relevant to the industrial porous media community in a series of lectures at various member and non-member organizations.

Prof. Knackstedt is Professor at Research School of Physics and engineering at ANU College of Science. To find out more about Prof. Knackstedt and his research, please visit his webpage.

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