Save the date: InterPore Benelux day 2018, October 12 2018, Deltares, Delft

In 2015 and 2016, Interpore Benelux organised its first and second Interpore Benelux day, a symposium on porous media for researchers from The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg.  In 2017, the 9th International Conference on Porous Media from Interpore took place in Rotterdam, and for that reason, no Interpore Benelux day was organised that year.  Since then, it has been decided to make the Interpore Benelux day a two-yearly event, organised in the years that the Interpore conference takes place in the United States.

Hence this announcement: the 3rd Interpore Benelux day will take place on Friday October 12 2018, in Deltares, Delft.  Please already mark this date in your calendar, more news on the program will follow soon!

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