InterPore 2018 Award Recipients

Our sincere congratulations go out to the following award recipients for their considerable achievements.

Honorary Lifetime Membership Award

- InterPore 2018 Award Recipients

Martin Blunt

Imperial College

For more than three decades, Martin Blunt has consistently produced extraordinary work in the broad field of flow in porous media. This includes classic work on pore-scale processes, including both computational modeling and laboratory experiments, and important work on field-scale modeling of two- and three-phase flows in complex porous media. In addition to his research activities, Martin is Editor of a major journal (Transport in Porous Media), is an outstanding lecturer and teacher, and has built bridges across multiple disciplines including petroleum engineering, geosciences, and environmental engineering.


Procter & Gamble Award for Porous Media Research

Picture Nima Shokri web - InterPore 2018 Award Recipients

Nima Shokri

University of Manchester, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science

Dr. Shokri has made numerous and important contributions to various research topics related to modeling interfacial and transport phenomena in porous media. His core research topics include evaporation/drying, salt transport and crystallization, drying of suspensions, foam flow for enhanced oil recovery, two-phase flows, heat transport in porous roofing for natural cooling and the formation of cracks in clay. Dr. Shokri is Associated Editor of Advances in Water Resourcesand Transport in Porous Media and (co-)author of more than 50 articles in scientific archival journals.


InterPore – PoreLab Award for Young Researchers

Qingwang Yuan web - InterPore 2018 Award Recipients

Qingwang Yuan

Stanford University, Postdoctoral Fellow in SUPRI-B Group

Dr. Qingwang Yuan is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. His research interests are in modeling of multicomponent, multiphase, multiscale flows in porous media with applications in enhanced oil recovery, reactive transport, non-Darcy flows, shale permeability, and hydraulic fracturing. Dr. Yuan has published 17 peer-reviewed journal publications and 15 conference papers. He was a recipient of Mitacs Award for Outstanding Innovation in 2017.

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