Winners of the Procter and Gamble Student Award

Each year, at the InterPore annual meetings, the Honors and Awards Committee selects two students who give the best poster presentations, to receive the Procter and Gamble Student Award. During InterPore2015 in Padua, there were so many excellent presentations that the Honors and Awards Committee decided to select three winners. They were:

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1. Agnieszka Budek, University of Warsaw, Poland, whose poster presentation title was: “Evolving network model of dissolution and precipitation in porous media”. Her supervisor is: Dr. Piotr Szymczak.



2. Kofi Osei-Bonsu, University of Manchester, UK, whose poster presentation title was:  “Foam stability in the absence and presence of oil: From bulk scale to bubble scale”. His supervisor is: Dr. Nima Shokri. 



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3. Tom Bultreys, Ghent University, Belgium, whose poster presentation 
title was: “Multi-scale, image-based pore network models to simulate two-phase flow in heterogeneous rocks”. His supervisor is: Prof. dr. Veerle Cnudde


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