InterPore Time Capsules

Often we know those pioneers of our field from their scientific work. We are aware of their scientific legacy and technical details of their achievements. But, usually we don’t actually know much about their personal history, motivations, and philosophy. We don’t know what inspired them to follow the path they followed. How and why did they make the choices that led to the advances they made? What do they cherish in their scientific lives? What do they see as future challenges in porous media science? Such knowledge would be valuable to the current and future researchers in general and porous media scientists in particular. As the International Society for Porous Media, we have a duty to provide a mechanism to record such knowledge and make it available to our community. The InterPore Time Capsules will be a collection of interviews with some of the most eminent contemporary porous media scientists, who have played a major role in the development of porous media science and technology. The interviews are usually carried out by one or two wellknown scientists, who have had some kind of professional connection to the interviewee. Suggestions for candidates for InterPore Time Capsule interviews can be sent to the chair of Honors and Awards Committee by any member of InterPore. The H&A Committee will consider and thoroughly discuss the suggestions twice a year and recommends three top candidates to the Executive Committee. For each candidate, the H&A Committee will also recommend names of two or three potential interviewers. The deadlines for these recommendations are March 1st and September 1st of each year. The Executive Committee will choose the interviewee from the suggested candidates within one month after those deadlines.

The first scientist selected for a Time Capsule interview is Professor Jacob Bear, who was also the first recipient of InterPore Honorary Membership Award in 2010. He has been interviewed by Professor Brian Berkowitz of Weizmann Institute of Science. The full interview can be found at InterPore channel.

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