Upcoming InterPore Academy Webinars & Courses

Hydrological extremes: changing hazards as a result of climate change

Speaker: Lindsay Beevers, University of Edinburgh Research Explorer
Duration: 1 hour
Date/Time: Tuesday, 2 April 2024 – 4-5 pm CEST

Hydrological extremes have devastating consequences on society. Climate change impacts on these hazards mean we are likely to experience more frequent extreme events. With the backdrop of increasing urbanization across the globe society faces a significant challenge in adapting to these changing hazards. This webinar will explore some of the recent research at the University of Edinburgh which seeks to understand climate change attribution for river flows, future changes to… more info

Challenging reactive transport modeling from pore-scale observations

Speaker: Catherine Noiriel, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Webpage • LinkedIn • Scholar
Duration: 1 hour
Date/Time: Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 4-5 pm CEST

Abstract: Flow and transport are important in hydrology and many geo-engineering applications such as carbon dioxide storage, geothermal energy or in situ recovery. Developing a full understanding of the feedbacks between geochemical reactions and flow and transport at the reservoir scale requires investigations of geochemical mechanisms at the… more info


Microfluidics for Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Our next InterPore Academy SP-PM course, Pore 1-8 “Microfluidics for Flow and Transport in Porous Media” will take place online on Sundays, starting 7 April through 28 April 2024 (14:00-17:00 Central Daylight Time) with Wen Song, University of Texas at Austin. Please note that all lectures will be offered live. There will be no recordings available.

This course provides an overview of microfluidics in the context of understanding the pore- and interfacial-scale processes that control multiphase flow and reactions in porous media. This course will begin with a review of fluid mechanics and their reduction to the sub-millimeter length scale. Microfluidics and their fabrication approaches will be discussed, including a lab tour and recent commercialization. Approaches for integrating geochemistry into porous media micromodels will be discussed, along with examples of recent scientific advancements to show the potential of microfluidics toward understanding coupled flow and reactions in porous media.