Short Courses

IP Academy Heading - Short Courses

Study Plan in Porous Media (SP-PM)

The InterPore Academy has now launched its first systematic and comprehensive Study Plan in Porous Media (SP-PM), as the first available organic professional development opportunity for students, scientists and practitioners focused on the modeling, design, optimization, and analysis of engineered and natural porous structures. The study plan includes online/in person (non-graded) classes on porous media theory, numerical and data-driven methods and experimental techniques targeted to porous media applications. Each course will include frontal lectures for 12/14 hours (plus additional resources made available at the lecturer’s discretion). The courses will be taught at the graduate level, by renowned experts in their respective fields. The vision of the Interpore Academy Porous Media Study Plan is (i) to build the foundational and specialized knowledge needed to quantitatively study porous media in a variety of different applications, (ii) to connect the attendees directly with lecturers across different institutions and continents, and (iii) to continue fostering and building our vibrant and diverse PM community.

Foundational Courses will include:
  • Fundamentals of porous media structure and characterization
  • Introduction to single phase flow and transport in porous media
  • Multiphase flow and transport in porous media
  • Mechanics of deformable porous media
  • Heat transfer in porous media
  • Interfacial chemistry/Geochemistry and reactive transport in porous media
  • Experimental Methods for Flow and Transport in Porous Media

2023-2024 Course Offerings

Foundational Courses:

PORE 1-1 Fundamentals of porous media structure and characterization

Nov 13-Dec 4, 2023

Lecturers: Ryan Armstrong (UNSW Sydney, Australia)Martin J. Blunt (Imperial College, UK), Maša Prodanović (University of Texas Austin, USA), Catherine Spurin (Stanford University, USA)

PORE 1-3 Multiphase flow and transport in porous media

January 8-29, 2024

Lecturer(s): Cyprien Soulaine (CNRS, France), Sibani Lisa Biswal (Rice University, USA), Maja Rücker (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)

PORE 1-8 Microfluidics for Flow and Transport in Porous Media

April 7-28, 2024

Lecturer(s): Wen Song (University of Texas Austin, USA)

PORE 1-6 Interfacial chemistry/Geochemistry and reactive transport in porous media

February 8-29, 2024

Lecturers(s): Hang Deng (Peking University, China), Sergi Molins (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA), Maja Rücker (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), Christophe Tournassat (Université d’Orléans, France, Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans, France, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)

Specialized Courses:

PORE 2-4 Capillarity in porous media at different scales

Summer 2024

Lecturer(s): Majid Hassanizadeh (Utrecht University, Netherlands)

Topical Courses: 

PORE 3-9 A non-local statistical mechanics framework for immiscible flow in permeable media 

Spring-Summer 2024

Lecturer(s): Saman Aryana (University of Wyoming, USA), Alex Hansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)


Check back for more details soon!

Recorded Short Courses List

Click on the course title to see more information and register to access the RECORDED course.


Note: After paying for your course, you will get links and material to access your course. The links to watch the courses will be activated for you for 60 days.

Short Course “Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales” by Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh

Contact: Executive Assistant,

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