Preview of InterPore2019 Valencia #5

Welcome back to our InterPore2019 preview! As time goes by, the preparation for the conference continues, and we are here to keep you up-to-date with all details!

Today, you might feel like you have forgotten something but can’t seem to put your finger on it; this happens to everyone at times. Then, you might think, “Of course, the InterPore2019 abstract deadline has passed!” But, once again, InterPore2019 has good news for you. The deadline has been extended, so you can submit your abstract by next Monday, 26 November! There is still a bit of time to be part of the exciting InterPore2019 program!

One of the benefits that await you at InterPore2019 is certainly the possibility to network within a cross-disciplinary community, where ideas are easy to share and opportunities for exciting research collaborations can arise at any moment. All this will be facilitated in Valencia by a mind-blowing social program set up by our Local Organizing Committee. The highlights are already out, so let’s have a look.

If you like planning in advance, you should start running because in Valencia there will be the first 5K InterPore fun run. So, next to writing your abstract, you can start drafting your training schedule; 5 km is a tricky distance. If you do not like planning, just come and join; the run is totally non-competitive, of course. And in case you just like taking it more despacito, this run will give you the perfect chance to have a stroll in the Old Riverbed Park (JardĂ­ del TĂşria in Valencian). JardĂ­ del TĂşria is the biggest urban park in Spain and well worth a visit. The park was designed as the river TĂşria was diverted to protect Valencia from flooding. As a matter of fact, this park was designed with a fundamental professional contribution from our InterPore2019 Chair (yes, the same Prof. Jaime GĂłmez-Hernández that cooks wonderful paellas as we recently discovered); there is always a connection between InterPore2019 and the beauties of Valencia! Running in the JardĂ­ del TĂşria is “so Valencia”. So, the InterPore Run is yet another great opportunity to feel like an authentic Valencian for a day. There will be water at the finish line. Other drinks might follow, but this is of course entirely up to you…

As well as running, there will be singing at InterPore2019! But, do not worry—you will not be asked to sing yourself. All InterPore2019 participants will be invited to the Acanthus Choir concert in the Valencia Cathedral. What is nicer than a concert on a late spring evening? It will be an inspiring event, the perfect opportunity to get together.

All this is waiting for you next year in Valencia, and there is still time for you to have an active part in the InterPore community. You are just a click away from it, so do not forget to submit your abstract!

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