Formation of the UK Chapter of InterPore

Porous media scientists from all over the United Kingdom are coming together to form the UK Chapter of InterPore. The kick-off meeting will be held on August 25th at the University of Manchester, organized by Dr. Vahid Joekar-Niasar. This is a joint effort with the PMPM research network (

The meeting will be opened by a keynote speech given by Prof. Oleg Iliev (ITWM Fraunhofer Institute, Germany), a former president of InterPore. There will be attendees from all over the UK such as Heriot-Watt University, Teesside University, Durham University, Imperial College London, Loughborough University, University of Warwick, and University of Manchester. The programme comprises eleven lectures and six micro-presentations on various topics such as drug delivery, evaporation, hydrogeology, petroleum engineering, waste disposal, and geothermal energy. For the detailed program, see this pdf file.

The InterPore UK Chapter will serve as an excellent platform to strengthen porous media research by creating synergies between UK-based researchers from industry and academia.

The main goals of this meeting are:

  • establishing the UK Chapter of InterPore,
  • merging the PMPM network into the InterPore Society to create a sustainable network among UK-based researchers for collaborations towards joint research projects and grant applications, and
  • electing the steering committee for the InterPore UK Chapter.

For more information please, contact Dr. Vahid Joekar-Niasar (

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