Plenary speakers for InterPore 2016 in Cincinnati, Ohio

The plenary speakers at the 8th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (InterPore 2016) will be:

  • David Weitz (Harvard, physics/material sciences)
  • Howard Stone (Princeton, chemical engineering)
  • Sarah Tolbert (UCLA)
  • Paul Trokhan (P&G, consumer products)

David Weitz

David A. Weitz is Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard. He is also Director of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, Co-Director of the BASF Advanced Research Initiative, Associate Faculty Member, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and Member of Kavli Institute for Bionano Science & Technology. Weitz and his group study the physics of soft condensed matter, the properties of colloidal suspensions and the mechanical properties of bioplymer networks. He and his group develop methods to make designer emulsions and foams and they develop drop-based microfluids for biophysics and biotechnology applications.

Howard Stone

Howard Stone is a professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton. In 2008, He was the winner of the inaugural Batchelor Prize sponsored by the Journal of Fluid Mechanics for the breadth and depth of his research over a 10-year period (1998-2007) and for his widely acknowledged leadership in fluid mechanics generally. His research has been concerned with a variety of fundamental problems in fluid motions dominated by viscosity, so-called low Reynolds number flows. Stone’s studies have also been directed toward heat transfer and mass transfer problems involving convection, diffusion and surface reactions. He has made contributions to a wide range of problems involving effects of surface tension, buoyancy, fluid rotation, and surfactants. He has also studied problems concerning the flow of lipid bilayers and monolayers, and has investigated the motions of particles suspended in such interfacial layers.

Sarah Tolbert

Sarah Tolbert is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA. Her research focuses on self-organized nanoscale materials and includes both organic templated inorganic phases and colloidal materials. Current projects range from examination of nanoscale phase transitions in surfactant templated inorganic solids to the designed assembly of electro-active composite materials.

Paul Trokhan

Paul Trokhan is a researcher at Procter and Gamble. He is considered as the inventor of through air dried (TAD) tissue. He was honored in 2006 with the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) Achievement Award. He holds more than 160 patents. His photopolymer molding templates technology is used in almost all of P&G’s bath tissue and towel production and is estimated to provide more than $1 billion in incremental profits since its introduction. The IRI cited Trokhan for “key innovations providing limitless flexibility in designing superior, low-cost efficient product tissue/towel designs that have improved many consumers’ daily lives.”

More Information

More information about InterPore 2016 can be found here.

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