Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry Study of Solid–Liquid Equilibria in Interconnected Spherical Nanocages

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry Study of Solid–Liquid Equilibria in Interconnected Spherical Nanocages

Henry R. N. B. Enninful, Daniel Schneider, Benjamin Rudolph, Andreas Meyer, Simone Mascotto, and Rustem Valiullin.

A combined experimental and theoretical study of solid–liquid phase equilibria confined in mesoporous solids composed of spherical cages connected via smaller-sized cylindrical irregular channels is presented. The experimental data are analyzed using transition kernels developed for the spherical pores. They accurately predict the variation of the non-frozen water layer thickness with temperature as well as the positions of the solid–liquid and liquid–solid transition temperatures. By analyzing the melting and freezing transitions as well as scanning freezing transitions in materials with different properties of the interconnecting pore network achieved by different synthesis conditions, an accurate information on the textural properties and phase transition processes is obtained.

J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 48, 26916–26926
Corresponding Authors: Henry R. N. B. Enninful

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