Northeast-Midwest US InterPore Chapter

Northeast US - Northeast-Midwest US InterPore Chapter

Upcoming Meetings

Stay tuned for our next event!

About Northeast-Midwest US InterPore Chapter

The Interpore Northeast-Midwest (NEMW) US Chapter was established in 2022 to promote advancing and disseminating knowledge for the understanding, description, and modeling of natural and industrial porous media systems. The Chapter acts as a platform for scientists, engineers, and authorities involved in porous media systems across the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. It also identifies scientific and engineering problems that need to be addressed at the Chapter level.

For more information, please contact us at


  • Liaison with InterPore and other national chapters
  • Attract new members to InterPore
  • Provide input to annual meetings of InterPore and InterPore Newsletter
  • Prepare and maintain a database of porous media research groups and industries in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States to facilitate collaboration among members
  • Organize educational workshops, seminars, and graduate student networking and presentation events

Steering Committee

Founding Committee

Past Meetings & Minutes

Northeast-Midwest US Chapter Kick-off Meeting

January 22, 2024


Northeast-Midwest US InterPore NEWS