Mexico_National Chapter

Mexico - Mexico_National Chapter

Upcoming Meetings

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About Mexico InterPore Chapter

The Mexico InterPore Chapter (CMI) was formally established on January 24, 2014.
CMI brings together professionals, academics, researchers, and students for whom studying and applying fluid flow in porous media is relevant.  CMI’s mission is to represent all these institutions, companies, and professionals and to facilitate collaboration between CMI members and colleagues abroad.


  • Attract institutions, companies, and professionals interested in the study and application of porous media
  • Promote InterPore and CMI activities through the national chapter webpage, mass media, and specialized meetings
  • Organize courses, workshops, and an annual meeting (RACMI) with the participation of members and guests
  • Promote the definition of strategic areas and issues of national interest
  • Share software, bibliography, and training opportunities through the webpage repository

Steering Committee

AnaPaulinaGomoraFigueroa scaled - Mexico_National ChapterA. Paulina Gómora Figueroa (UNAM)
Carlos Gilberto Aguilar Madera - Mexico_National ChapterCarlos Gilberto Aguilar-Madera (UANL)
Anabel Hernandez Ramirez e1657286777571 - Mexico_National ChapterAnabel Hernández-Ramírez (IG-UNAM)
Carlos Felipe Silva Escalante e1657287093653 - Mexico_National ChapterCarlos Felipe Silva-Escalante (UNAM)
Student Representative
Fernando Javier Alcantara Lopez e1657286836180 - Mexico_National ChapterFernando Javier Alcántara-López
Communication Representative

Mexico InterPore NEWS

Mexico Interpore Chapter won the 2020 InterPore National Chapter Award, given in recognition of the many activities organized by a chapter in recent years and of its contribution to make the InterPore society flourish.