Letter from the President to InterPore2023 Participants

A big thanks to all that joined us in Edinburgh last week, both in person and remotely. I’m still feeling energized from the conference, which anecdotally seems to have been a big hit for newcomers, returning attendees, and seasoned participants alike. As I noted in closing remarks last Thursday: the vibrant oral sessions, and having to queue up to talk with poster presenters, are signs of a healthy society and active research community, which is the foundation of InterPore. A bonus for all of us that were on site was the feeling of being “back to normal” after three years of online and hybrid conferences.

A special thank-you must be extended to our hosts, the Local Organizing Committee, headed up by Florian Doster, Andreas Busch, and Kamal Singh. The beautiful city of Edinburgh was a perfect backdrop for the conference, including the weather that you all must have ordered up for the Wednesday evening hike. Conference logistics were equally impressive (at least after we managed to master the layout of the conference center!), which is important because it means we get to focus on research problems rather than other problems.

The annual InterPore conferences are not simple operations, yet the process has become established over the years. This reduces the burden on the LOC and helps ensure quality of the program. Particular credit goes out to a few groups: the InterPore staff, including Karolin and Amy who were on site, Kristy who was coordinating remote operations, and Margaret who organized short courses; the Events Committee chaired by Oleg Iliev; and the Program Committee chaired by Patrick Jenny and Sridhar Ranganathan. Conference sponsors provide important financial backing, and include Kimberly-Clark (platinum), Math2Market, Tescan, ThermoFisher, Canon, Shell, and Comsol.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who provided the outstanding technical content, including speakers, poster presenters, co-authors, and short-course organizers. As noted above, everything else emanates from this.

Next year we will meet in Qingdao, China from 13-16 May – I hope to see you there. In the meantime, stay well and continue to engage through the many other InterPore offerings.

Karsten Thompson
InterPore President