Japan InterPore Chapter

Japan - Japan InterPore Chapter

Upcoming Meetings

Stay tuned for our next event!

About Japan InterPore 

The Japan Chapter was established Oct. 14, 2023 to provide an opportunity for porous media researchers from academia and industry in Japan to interact with others who have shared interests in diversified porous media areas.

Steering Committee

Hanamura scaled e1697781605543 - Japan InterPore ChapterDr. K. Hanamura (Hanamura Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Kuwahara1 scaled e1697781922416 - Japan InterPore ChapterDr. F. Kuwahara (Kuwahara & Sano Laboratory, Shizuoka University)
Vice Chair
sano - Japan InterPore ChapterDr. Y. Sano (Kuwahara & Sano Laboratory, Shizuoka University)
Communication Officer

Past Meetings & Minutes

Kick-Off Meeting of the Japan InterPore Chapter

October 14, 2023 – Kobe, Japan

The Kick-Off Meeting was held Oct. 14, 2023 at Kobe city, concurrently with the National Thermal Engineering Conference 2023. Prof. M. Quintard was invited to deliver a memorial lecture “Heat transfer in porous media with heterogeneous and homogeneous sources: An overview of model typology” to 30 members of the newly established chapter.