InterPore2025 Invited Speaker: Jeffrey Hyman

In anticipation of InterPore2025, weā€™re introducing the invited speakers in todayā€™s and forthcoming Newsletters and Bulletins. This week: Jeffrey Hyman.

Jeffrey Hyman Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Title: The Influence of Multiple Scales in Fractured Media on Flow and Transport Properties

Dr. Jeffrey Hyman is a staff scientist in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. His research focuses on integrating applied mathematics with the geosciences to advance our understanding of coupled subsurface processes in fractured media.

In low-permeability fractured media, such as granites and shales, flow and the associated transport of dissolved solutes is controlled primarily by fractures embedded within the rock matrix. One tool to investigate the interplay and influence of fractures are discrete fracture network (DFN) models. In this talk, Iā€™ll discuss recentā€¦ continue reading