InterPore2024 Invited Speaker: Prof. Shuyu Sun

In anticipation of InterPore2024, weā€™re introducing the invited speakers in todayā€™s and forthcoming Newsletters and Bulletins. This week: Shuyu Sun

Shuyu Sun
KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Title: Property-Preserving Schemes for Porous Media Flow: Phase-Wise Conservation, Bound Preservation, and Energy Stability

Shuyu Sun is a founding Professor of Earth Science and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); he is also jointly affiliated with the Program of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science and the Program of Energy Resource and Petroleum Engineering at KAUST. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in computational and applied mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin in 2003.

One basic requirement for accurate modeling and simulation of multiphase flow is to have the predicted physical quantities sit within a physically meaningful range. For example, the predicated saturation should sit between 0 and 1 while the predicated molar concentration should sit between 0 and the maximum value allowed by the equation of state. In this talk we present our work on both fully implicit and semi-implicit algorithms for two-phase and multi-phase flow in porous media with capillary pressure. Our proposed algorithms are locally mass conservative for all phases. They are able to accurately reproduce the discontinuity of saturation due to different capillary pressure functions, and they enjoy the merit that the total velocity is continuous in the normal direction. Moreover, the new schemes areā€¦ continue reading