InterPore2024 Invited Speaker: Prof. Alex Hansen

Alex Hansen
NTNU-UiO Porous Media Labratory

Hansen has been the director of the PoreLab since 2017. PoreLab is a center of excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway and shared between the NTNU and the University of Oslo. Hansenā€™s main research interests concern the intersection between fluid dynamics and statistical mechanics in porous media.


Homogenization is the standard approach to upscaling immiscible two-phase flow in porous media from the pore scale to the Darcy scale. The trouble with homogenization techniques is that they can only produce averages of existing variables and not new types of variables. Statistical mechanics does produce new types of variables, but demands equilibrium. Immiscible two-phase flow in porous media is not an equilibrium process.

It is, however, possible to map immiscible two-phase flow in porous media onto an equivalent equilibrium process through a trick. This makes it possible to formulate a version of statistical mechanics for this problem.

This leads toā€¦ read the full abstract here.