InterPore2018: Conference grants for scientists from selected countries

InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) is providing a limited number of conference grants for participants from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank. The conference grants are in the form of a conference registration fee waiver.

To qualify, one must be an InterPore member, have one or more accepted abstracts, and give an oral or poster presentation. An application for conference grant must include:

  1. A statement requesting the conference grants and providing the rationale for the request. The statement should include the title of presentation and the type of presentation (minisymposium, contributed lecture, or poster) and the name(s) and affiliations of your co-authors.
  2. Current curriculum vitae (CV) that includes recent publications. In addition, you may provide a URL for a working Web page that expands on the information in your CV.

All submissions must be sent in pdf format to Dr. Karolin Weber (

InterPore Student Travel Awards

InterPore Student Travel Awards are given to help students gain the experience and exposure that comes from attending and presenting at InterPore conferences. The travel awards are intended to help students defray some of the costs of their attendance. The travel grants include up to 300 Euros towards travel costs as well as free conference registration. The awards are funded by the InterPore Foundation, and made possible by generous donations from InterPore members.


Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an InterPore Student Travel. The applicant must be an InterPore member. Top priority will be given to students giving an oral or poster presentation at the conference, with second priority to students who are co-authors of papers or posters to be presented at the conference. Only students traveling more than 100 miles to the conference site are eligible for an award.

Applying for an InterPore Student Travel Award

An application for a travel award must include:

  1. A statement requesting the travel award and providing the rationale for the request and the significance of attending the conference for your research. If you are giving a presentation at the conference, the statement should include the title of your presentation, the type of presentation, the name(s) and affiliations of your co-authors, and the title of the minisymposium.
  2. A current curriculum vitae (CV) that includes your contact information, the expected date (month/year) of the award of your PhD, the institution awarding your PhD, your advisorā€™s name, and other relevant information including recent publications. In addition, you may provide a URL for a working Web page that expands on the information in your CV.
  3. The name and e-mail address of your advisor who should provide a letter of recommendation commenting on your scholarly achievements and potential and on any special circumstances. You need to ask your advisor to send the letter to Dr. Karolin Weber ( You should submit your application early enough for your advisor to have time to submit the letter of recommendation before the deadline.

All submissions must be sent in pdf format to Dr. Karolin Weber (


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