InterPore President’s Reflection on 2019

As the year draws to a close, I thank you on behalf of the International Society of Porous Media for making 2019 a successful year. We give our heartfelt thanks to our many members for their active participation in the community and through various committees.

Dr. Jaime Gomez-Hernandez and the local organizing committee did an excellent job of hostingĀ InterPore2019 in Valencia, SpainĀ which had over 850 participants from 42 countries and more than 980 oral and poster presentations. The technical content was rich in the diversity of topics related to porous media, from rocks to flow through biological tissues to industrial applications. We look forward to seeing everyone atĀ InterPore2020 in Qingdao, ChinaĀ which has received over 1,000 abstracts. If you missed the deadline, it is still possible to submit a poster-only abstract until 03 March 2020.

InterPore now has 15 National Chapters with the new addition of theĀ Spanish InterPore ChapterĀ which will hold a kick-off meeting in January 2020. Our National Chapters are an important component of InterPore. National Chapters provide members with a local forum to bring industrial and academic members together for information exchanges on the latest developments in porous media research in their countries, and act as a conduit to the broader international community.

We are also pleased to announce that in 2019 InterPore established a new award for mid-career researchers in recognition of outstanding research in general porous media in the past five years. The award is entitledĀ InterPore Award for Excellence in Porous Media Research. Please consider colleagues for nominations in November 2020.

TheĀ InterPore Foundation, led by Steffen Berg, will start its fourth year of activities related to education and promotion of porous media. The Foundation supports scientists from low-income countries with conference grants to enable broader participation in the conferences as well as to help address pressing global needs related to the water-energy-climate nexus. With InterPoreā€™s technical expertise, we as a community clearly have contributions to make to one of the biggest challenges of mankind that contains aspects of porous media from crop growth, clean water, and sustainable energy production. The InterPore Foundation needs the help of our members and donations to support participation of young scientists from the countries that will likely be the most affected by the consequences of climate change.

Wishing you the best for the Holiday Season and Happy New Year!

Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte