InterPore Presence at UASR

InterPore president Prof. Laura Pyrak-Nolte gave a keynote lecture (5.39 MB) at the University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR) event (2.43 MB) on 23 November. The UASR is a non-governmental and non-profit organization encompassing more than 150 universities worldwide and dedicated to inclusiveness and international cooperation in higher education. The event has been jointly organized by Politecnico di Milano(which is also an InterPore Institutional Member) and Xiā€™an Jiaotong University.

Porous media were in the spotlight of the UASR President Forum and have been at the core of a session organized and chaired by one of our council members, Prof. Monica Riva. Our President emphasized the essential role and services of porous media to our security. From face masks to filters to batteries and subsurface materials, all kinds porous media are key to our life, health and prosperity. A video recording of her talk will be uploaded to the InterPore website in due time.