InterPore Foundation – Rotation of Board of Directors

The InterPore Foundation is rotating the members of the Board of Directors. In order to head towards a 4-year rotation cycle as stated in the bylaws, 3 of the 7 members of the board of directors are stepping down.

We would like to express our gratitude to Azita Ahmadi. Noushine Shahidzadeh and Andrea Peri for their dedication and commitment and taking responsibility for critical roles over the past 7 ½ years. Without their help the Foundation would not have evolved to its current state.

We would also like to give a very warm welcome the 3 new members of the board of directors:

Hannelore Derluyn
University of Pau
(Photo: Frédérique Plas)

Anne Hansen
Mexican Institute of Water Technology

Kamaljit Singh
Heriot Watt University

An associated “internal rotation” (e.g. Steffen Berg is stepping down as chair and takes over the role of treasurer) will ensure sufficient continuity.