InterPore Elections Results

The InterPore elections have concluded (as of 01 December 2020), and the Election Committee would like to thank all the candidates who stood for election and the InterPore members who voted. The election results are:


Congratulations to
Karsten Thompson
on winning the election for President-Elect.

Karsten E. Thompson is Professor and Department Chair of Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering at Louisiana State University. He will be President-Elect for two years starting from 01 May 2021 and will become InterPore President two years later. In the meantime, the current President-Elect, Prof. Michel Quintard, will become President.

Council Members

Maša Prodanović, Associate Professor and Chevron Centennial Teaching Fellow in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, and Maja Rücker, Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Eindhoven University of Technology have been elected for the 2021-2025 term and will serve as council members as of 01 May 2021.

Veerle Cnudde, Vahid Niasar, and Benoît Noetinger have been re-elected to the Council. Congratulations to the newly elected as well as the re-elected members of the council! They will work together with the four council members that were elected until 2023 (Veronika Schleper, Daniel Tartakovsky, Monica Riva, and Peyman Mostaghimi) and with a student representative (currently Marcel Moura).

The five Council Members who have been elected for the 2021-2025 term (out of a total of nine candidates) are:

Student Affairs Committee

Congratulations to the three newly elected members of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC):

Starting 01 May 2021, they will work on the SAC together with Neerja Zambare, Marco Sauermoser, Mohammad Nooraiepour, and Cunqi Jia.