InterPore Council Elections: New and Familiar Faces

The newly composed InterPore Council met on 24 May 2023, as part of InterPore2023. The Council focuses on two main objectives: (i) defining priorities for resource investment and (ii) strengthening the organizational structure and processes. During this meeting, Majid Hassanizadeh and Azita Ahmadi-Senichault were re-elected for another term to continue in their positions. Congratulations!

A message from the chair of InterPore Council

It is with gratitude that I write to you as the newly elected Chair of the InterPore Council. I want to thank InterPore and Council members for electing me and placing your trust in me.

As we embark on the next two years together, I am committed to making our society a better place for all of us. Our collective mission is to promote collaboration and provide a supportive environment for all InterPore members. One of my primary objectives will be to enhance the support we offer to our members. Your feedback and input will be crucial in shaping the initiatives we undertake. Furthermore, I am committed to fostering diversity within our community. Embracing various perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences is crucial for driving innovation and creating a vibrant environment. I also recognize the importance of our various committees and their role in shaping the direction of the society. I will work to enhance their involvement, ensuring their expertise is utilized effectively.

Thank you once again for your trust, and I look forward to collaborating with each and every one of you in the coming years.

Professor Peyman Mostaghimi, PhD
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia