InterPore 2021: Deadline to Submit Abstracts is February 9

The Call for Abstracts is now open for InterPore2021 Online!
Deadline: 9 February

Click here to submit

InterPore2021 is too far away still to start counting down the days (or weeks), but the deadline for the abstract submission is not so far away (9 Feb). In the relative calm after Christmas, it is a good time to write and submit an abstract!

To help get you into it, the preliminary block program has now been published. Perhaps most noteworthy is the (online!) poster session. We’re working with Whova on the technical realization of a poster session which we hope will resemble an in-person poster session as much as possible: scientific content and social contact. We’ll keep you posted.

Those who have already gotten into it are the keynote speakers (see below). And we really hope a lot of young scientists will get into it, hence a special call to PhDs and their supervisors to submit an abstract. After all, InterPore2021 is the platform to bring your porous-media-related ideas into the light, receive friendly feedback, and develop your social network.

Don’t miss a moment!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Matthijs de Winter

InterPore2021 Block Program (Preliminary)

Call to PhD students

The InterPore2021 online conference is a great opportunity for graduate students to present and discuss their research approach with the broader porous media community in a supportive environment. Since the best researchers in various areas of porous media research will attend and actively participate in the sessions, it also allows PhD researchers and young scientists to consolidate and further enhance their professional network. While the conference attracts a large number of participants, it facilitates a sense of belonging and a familiarity with other researchers from around the globe.

We strongly encourage senior scientists and supervisors to inform students about the InterPore conference. An online version is particularly interesting for larger numbers of students from a single group, as the conference is less expensive, and no travel/hotel costs are required.

Keynote speakers

The Keynote speakers listed in the block program are shown below and their abstracts and bio’s can be found here.

Registration Fees

The registration fees are published on our website.

Don’t miss a moment!