
Annual Meeting of the Mexican InterPore Chapter

Annual Meeting of the Mexican InterPore Chapter (RACMI 2021) March 04 and 05, 2021 The community related to research, development, and applications of porous media is invited to participate in the Annual Meeting of the Mexican InterPore Chapter (RACMI 2021), which in this occasion due to the circumstances of COVID-19, will be held online on



InterPore2021 Online Conference – Don’t miss a moment!  This year's conference will include both oral and poster (+) presentations. The online platform will allow you to join a world-class conference from the comfort of your own home or office and at the convenience of your own schedule all streamlined through one seamless interface.



InterPore2021 Online Conference – Don’t miss a moment!  This year's conference will include both oral and poster (+) presentations. The online platform will allow you to join a world-class conference from the comfort of your own home or office and at the convenience of your own schedule all streamlined through one seamless interface.



InterPore2021 Online Conference – Don’t miss a moment!  This year's conference will include both oral and poster (+) presentations. The online platform will allow you to join a world-class conference from the comfort of your own home or office and at the convenience of your own schedule all streamlined through one seamless interface.



InterPore2021 Online Conference – Don’t miss a moment!  This year's conference will include both oral and poster (+) presentations. The online platform will allow you to join a world-class conference from the comfort of your own home or office and at the convenience of your own schedule all streamlined through one seamless interface.


InterPore2021 Online Conference – Don’t miss a moment!  This year's conference will include both oral and poster (+) presentations. The online platform will allow you to join a world-class conference from the comfort of your own home or office and at the convenience of your own schedule all streamlined through one seamless interface.