Coming Soon – The InterPore Journal

Hopefully you all have by now heard the exciting news that InterPore will be starting its very own journal. As previously mentioned, this journal will be an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, entirely published and owned by InterPore. We are planning on a wide range of articles, which include but are not limited to the following: Original Research Papers, Technical Notes, Review Articles, Open Datasets and Source Codes, Letters to the Editor, Commentaries, Short Communications, and Opinion Pieces. Both members of InterPore as well as non-members are welcome to submit, and we hope to receive your submissions soon. An official Call for Papers will also soon follow! You can find out more information on this journal here via the website.


There is of course still plenty of information to add to this website, but you can already check out the Board of Editors as well as the Committee on Publication Ethics Board and more. We plan to start receiving submissions in July! In the meantime, get those papers ready! We would love to receive your contributions linked to a porous media application. Submitted research may include, but is not limited to, physical and numerical modelling, imaging techniques and analysis, theory development, big data analysis, characterization, and/or material design.

Laura Lenz
Managing Editor InterPore Journal