Chinese Chapter Kick-off

The kick-off meeting of the Chinese Chapter of InterPore was held on 25 August 2017 in Hangzhou. This meeting took place as a special session of the Fourteenth National Conference on Fluid Flow in Porous Media, 24-25 August 2017.

The session dedicated to the Chinese Chapter was opened by Prof. Jun Yao who chaired the event. Prof. Yao gave a general introduction. This was followed by a presentation of InterPore by Didier Lasseux, who participated as the representative and Chapterā€™s liaison to the Society in this meeting. About 20 scientific oral presentations followed by discussions were given during the day covering many aspects of porous media research carried out in China. The day was concluded by a dinner and a wonderful show on the West Lake in Hangzhou.

A more extensive report on the Chinese Chapter will be given in the next InterPore News.


ProfJunYao2  West Lake Show 


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