Call for Abstracts: CFM2022

29 August – 2 September 2022

French Conference on Mechanics 2022 Session 28: Porous Media: transport, microstructural evolution, multi-physics coupling and instabilities

Conveners : Henri Bertin, Giulio Sciarra, Benoit Rousseau, GĂ©rard Vignoles

This session aims to bring together academic and industrial researchers to present recent scientific advances in the study of the behavior of porous media, whether they are natural or manufactured materials. The session aims to focus on the development and identification of effective constitutive laws in porous media, under different stresses of physical, chemical, thermal and/or mechanical nature, studied separately or coupled. Research on transport phenomena (conductive/diffusive, convective/advective, ballistic/radiative) is a central topic of this session, as well as studies on the evolution of the microstructure of a porous medium (dissolution/precipitation, chemical reactions of deposition/ablation /erosion, mechanical deformations, localization, damage, etc.).

More information is given in the extended description (pdf, 138 kb) (in French).

Abstract deadline is 31 January 2022. Submit here