InterPore Mexico Meetings – 1st InterPore Mexico Meeting

1st Annual meeting of the Mexican chapter of InterPore (MX – InterPore)

The 1st annual meeting of the Mexican chapter of InterPore (MX – InterPore) was held on 22nd April in the Geophysics Institute of UNAM, and was well attended by researchers across universities, government, and industry. The program consisted of five exciting talks: 1. “Some Stochastic Approaches to Parameter Estimation and Prediction of Groundwater Flow” by Jessica Briseño, 2. “An Orientation-Length Dependence Model using Bernstein Copulas for Discrete Fracture Network Simulation in 2D” by Francisco Mendoza Torres, 3. “Analytical Anisotropic Transport Models Fitting of a Tracer Pulse to Field Data in Oil Reservoirs” by Manuel Coronado, 4. “Modeling the Influence of Nutrient and Biosurfactant Adsorption on Flow and Transport in a MEOR Process” by Arturo Ortiz Tapia, and 5. “A Model of a Stratified System for Quantity of Motion Transport” by Jorge Chavarría Ornelas.

Following the talks and discussion, the InterPore members conducted their annual meeting in which a new chair, Graciela Herrera-Zamarrón (UNAM), was elected along with vice chair Eric Morales-Casique (UNAM), and secretary Martín A. Díaz-Viera (Mexican Petroleum Institute), this committee will serve a 2 year term. The outgoing chair, Alberto Ochoa-Tapia (Autonomous Metropolitan University) has done a commendable job establishing and building the Mexican chapter, and was thanked for his service.

This meeting highlights the exciting porous media research being undertaken in Mexico, with the establishment of the InterPore chapter allowing the community to come together and aid further promotion. The Mexican chapter aims to expand its engagement and promotion to build InterPore membership, and the webpage will be reactivated soon as a first step.
